Gnorimoschema nordlandicolella (Strand, 1902)

Figs 10, 34, 56

Gelechia (Lita) nordlandicolella Strand, 1902: 21. Type locality: Norway: Nordland, Saltdalen. Gnorimoschema nordlandicolella (Strand): Povolný, 1966: 397.

Phthorimaea cyceonodes Meyrick, 1926: 278. Type locality: “Alai” (Mountains in Kyrgyzstan and Tadzhikistan). Phthorimaea eucausta Meyrick, 1929: 492. Type locality: USA: Alpine (Texas).

Phthorimaea fennicella Hackman, 1946: 60, figs. 1, 4. Type locality: Finland: Mikkeli (Savonia australis).

Material examined. CHINA: 1 ♂, Hemu, Burqin County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (47°47' N, 86°51' E), 1114 m, 23.vii.2014 (Xinpu Wang et al.) (gen. slide no. L14028); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Baihaba, Habahe, Xinjiang 27.vii. 2007, 1264 m (Xinpu Wang et al.) (gen. slide no. 85/ 15♂, 94/ 15♀, O. Bidzilya) (all kept in NKU).

Additional material studied. KAZAKHSTAN: 1 ♂, Zailiysky Alatau, Malaja Almaatinka river, alpine zone, 2700 m, 27.vii.1957 (Danilevsky) (gen. slide no. 151/14, O. Bidzilya) (ZIN); 1 ♀, SE Kazakhstan, Tcharyn river near Chundzha, 27.vii.1994 (Kostjuk) (ZMKU). RUSSIA: 3 ♂, 1 ♀, Russia, Altai, Ukok plateau, 11,15,22. vii.1995, 2200 m (Bidzilya) (gen. slide no. 270/08 ♂, O. Bidzilya; Bdz. 25♀, D. Povolný), 1 ♀, same data but 18.vii.2001 (gen. slide no. 146/14, O. Bidzilya) (all kept in ZMKU); 1 ♀, Khamar-Daban, Tibilshi, 17.vii.1955 (Rozhkov) (ZIN); 1♂, 2 ♀, Zabaikalie, okr. s. Nizhniy Tsasutchei, sosnovyi bor, 1.vii.1997, na svet (Bidzilya, Kostjuk & Kostjuk) (gen. slide no. 150/ 14♂, O. Bidzilya) (ZMKU).

Diagnosis. G. nordlandicolella is recognized by its white labial palpus and white frons. The species can often be confused with G. cinctipunctella but the latter usually has better expressed markings and paler grey rather than greyish-black forewing. The male genitalia are recognizable by the short sacculus which is ring-curved, in combination with the broad emargination of the posterior margin of vinculum and narrow phallus. The female genitalia are defined by narrow posteriolateral sclerites which lie anterolaterally. G. fuscescens sp. nov. is similar but the posteriolateral sclerites are broader, lie more posteriorely and reach the posterior margin of sternite VIII.

Description see Huemer & Karsholt 2010.

Biology. Host plant unknown. Adults were collected in July.

Distribution. China (Xinjiang), Northern Europe, Turkey, Uzbekistan, mountains of SE Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia (Altai, Irkutsk Region, Zabaikalskiy krai, Jakutia) (Bidzilya et al. 2002; Bidzilya 2012; Povolný 2002; Ponomarenko 2008; Huemer & Karsholt 2010).

Remarks. The specimens from China differ from those from Europe in having less distinct black spots in the forewing cell and smaller dirty white costal and tornal spots at 3/4.