Procerodes lobatus Schmidt, 1861

(Fig. 4 b,d)

Habitat. 42 specimens were collected under stones.

Locality. Carthage Byrsa beach (36° 50' 43.24'' N; 10° 19' 40.19'' E), Bizerta canal (37° 16' 10.36'' N; 09° 52' 33.14'' E), Kelibia (36° 49' 59.54" N; 10° 48' 04.32" E).

Localities in Tunisia from bibliography. This species was collected previously in Salambo by Zghal & Tekaya (1980) and Tekaya & Zghal (1996).

Other localities in the world. Faroe Islands (Steinböck 1931); Black sea (Mack-Fira 1974); Atlantic Spanish coasts (Vila-Farre et al. 2009); Plymouth (Hartog 1968). According to Ball & Reynoldson (1981), the type locality is in Corfu, Greece and it was also found in Naples (Italy) (Wilhelmi 1909).