Tetralobus savagei Hope, 1842

Tetralobus savagei Hope, 1842: 74.

Tetralobus rubiginosus Candèze, 1881: 25; synonymized by Laurent (1964b): 354.

Type depository. T. savagei: Lectotype, male (OUMNH); T. rubiginosus: Type, sex unknown [collection unknown; see Remark].

Type localities. T. savagei: Liberia: Cap Palmas; T. rubiginosus: Liberia: Monrovia.

Distribution. Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria.

Literature. Hope (1842): original description of T. savagei; Candèze (1857): catalogue; Lacordaire (1857): remark; Gemminger & Harold (1869): catalogue; Candèze (1881): original description of T. rubiginosus; Candèze (1891): catalogue; Schwarz (1906): catalogue; Fleutiaux (1919): remark; Schenkling (1925): catalogue; Laurent (1964a): key; Laurent (1964b): revision; Laurent (1965a): remark; Laurent (1967): checklist; Girard (2003): catalogue.

Remark. The type of T. rubiginosus was originally deposited in the Dohrn's collection (Stettiner Zoologisches Museum in Szczecin, Poland) (Candèze 1881). Part of the material in that museum was destroyed during the World War II, and the remaining part has later been moved to the MIIZ, Warsaw, Poland. Girard (2003) mentioned that the type of T. rubiginosus had not been found in the MIIZ. A recent search for the types of Tetralobinae in the MIIZ collection was unsuccessful (T. Huflejt, pers. com.).