Haploniscus ampliatus Lincoln, 1985

Haploniscus ampliatus Lincoln, 1985b: 663 –666, figs 3–4.—Kussakin 1988: 371–373, fig. 317.— Kavanagh 2009: 28 –29.

Material examined. BIOICE stn. 3573, RV Bjarni Saemundsson, RP sled, 5 September 2003, 63°2249N, 29°5485W, 2359 m, 3.06°C, 4 specimens (IMNH 36861).

Remarks. Haploniscus ampliatus was collected only at a single station west of Iceland in the Irmiger Basin at 2359 m (Fig. 10 A, triangle). Previous records of H. ampliatus are from a cluster of stations off the northern edge of the Porcupine Bank and to the north in the Iceland Basin, at 2636–2925 m (Lincoln 1985b).