Alcedo stellata Meyen, 1834a: 93, pl. 14.

Now: Megaceryle torquata stellata (Meyen, 1834a). See Cory (1918: 102, 515).

Holotype: ZMB 9520 (Lichtenstein 1832, Nr. 13 sub “ Alcedo stellata ”), skin, ♀, juv., collected by Meyen in “ Februar ” [= 2 Feb 1831; see Meyen 1834b: 280] in “ Chile ” [= Paine, Chile; see below].

Type locality. Meyen (1834a: 93) wrote about this kingfisher: “ Er fand sich in der Provinz San Fernando, an den Ufern des Rio clado [sic].” (“ It was found in the Province of San Fernando, on the banks of Rio clado [= Río Claro; see Paynter 1988: 50].”). In his travel report, Meyen (1834b: 280) specified that he collected the holotype in the afternoon of 2 February 1831 between Mr. Lindero’s hacienda [= Buin-Linderos] and Angostura pass [= Angostura de Paine], i.e. at Paine. We thus ascertain the type locality as Paine, Metropolitan Region, Chile [33.82°S, 70.75°W].