2. Stenobothrus fischeri (Eversmann, 1848)

Figs. 7–9

Distribution. Western Europe, Southern part of European Russia, the North Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, South Siberia, and Mongolia.

Locality. 4. The Central Tien Shan Mts., the Kekemeren River Basin, the Western Karakol River ca. 10 km from the mouth (10 km East-North-East from Suusamyr Village), mountain steppes on the right bank, 7. VII. 2016. Signals of 2 ♂ recorded on disk at 30–32o C.

References to song. Ragge & Reynolds (1998): recordings from Western Europe; Savitsky & Lekarev (2007): recordings from the Lower Volga Region and Western Kazakhstan (Janybek, ca. 5 km from the Russia border); Savitsky (2009): recordings from Western Kazakhstan (Janybek, ca. 5 km from the Russia border).

Song. The calling song is a single echeme lasting 5–7 s and consisting of about 60–70 syllables following each other with a period of 85–100 ms in our recordings (Figs. 7–8). Each echeme begins quietly and rapidly reaches maximum intensity. There are 4–5 gaps in last two thirds or one half of a syllable (Fig. 9).

Comparative notes. The calling songs of males from the Central Tien Shan Mts. are quite similar to the songs recorded from Europe and Western Kazakhstan.