Waematau unuwhao Duncan, 1994

(FigS 29–33)

Material examined. Type material. Holotype: male (CMNZ 2017.18.7), 5 km SoutheaSt of Unuwhao, Northland, New Zealand, coll. WiSe K.A.J., 24 November 1967. Paratype: female (CMNZ 2017.18.8), 5 km SoutheaSt of Unuwhao, Northland, New Zealand, coll. WiSe K.A.J., 24 November 1967. Other material examined: 2 maleS, 4 femaleS (MNZ CR. 022704), Whakapaku; 2 maleS, 1 female, 1 juvenile (MNZ CR. 022710), Kohuroa (A); 4 maleS, 1 female (MNZ CR. 022711), Unuwhao (A); 1 male (MNZ CR.023895), Kohuroa (A); 1 male (MNZ CR.023896), Unuwhao (A); 1 female (MNZ CR.023897), Kohuroa (A); 1 female (MNZ CR.023898), Kohuroa (A); 2 maleS, 3 femaleS (MNZ CR.023899), Tapotupotu (A); 1 male (MNZ CR.023900), Unuwhao (A); 1 male, 3 femaleS (MNZ CR.023901), Haupatoto; 2 maleS, 3 femaleS (MNZ CR.023902), Te Huka (B); 1 male, 2 femaleS, 2 juvenileS (MNZ CR.023903), Radar BuSh; 2 maleS, 1 female (MNZ CR.023904), North Cape; 3 maleS, 1 female (MNZ CR.023905), Kohuroa (A); 2 maleS, 2 femaleS (MNZ CR.023906), Unuwhao (A); 2 maleS, 1 female (MNZ CR.023907), North Cape; 1 male (MNZ CR.023920), Whakapaku.

Diagnosis. Small to medium-Sized (body length 7–10.5 mm), Sexually dimorphic. Eye large, approximately one third head length. Antenna 2 aS long aS head and firSt 3–4 pereoniteS. Maxilliped outer plate not arcuate or diStally acute. Gnathopod 1 propoduS Subchelate in both SexeS; gnathopod 2 propoduS mitten-Shaped in femaleS and Strongly Subchelate in maleS. Pleopod 1 well developed, biramouS; pleopodS 2 and 3 veStigial, rami abSent, peduncleS greatly reduced. Uropod 1 without enlarged diStolateral robuSt Seta; outer ramuS with no dorSal robuSt Setae, inner ramuS with two rowS of dorSal robuSt Setae. Uropod 2 peduncle with characteriStic diagonal row of cloSe-Set robuSt Setae on meSial margin and face; rami with dorSal robuSt Setae, inner ramuS with two rowS. Uropod 3 peduncle with two robuSt Setae; ramuS approximately 0.6 timeS length of peduncle with robuSt Setae. TelSon concave above, margin ringed with robuSt Setae.

Description. AdultS (Fig. 29) 7–10.5 mm long. Sexual dimorphiSm apparent at 5.5–6 mm. Head Slightly longer than pereonite 1. Eye large, approximately one third head length.

Antenna 1 (Fig. 29) extending one third to two thirdS of the way along peduncle article 5 of antenna 2; article 3 of peduncle approximately 1.5 timeS length of article 2; flagellum conSiSting of 4–5 articleS, penultimate article Slightly broadening diStally. Antenna 2 (Fig. 29) aS long aS head and firSt 3–4 pereoniteS; article 5 of peduncle 1.5–1.8 timeS longer than article 4, narrower; flagellum approximately 1.3 timeS longer than peduncle, conSiSting of 15–20 Short articleS.

Upper lip (Fig. 30) apical margin gently rounded and SetoSe. Mandible (Fig. 30) left lacinia mobiliS 4-dentate. Lower lip (Fig. 30) inner lobeS well developed, SetoSe. Maxilla 1 (Fig. 30) inner plate Slender, tapering diStally, with two apical plumoSe Setae; outer plate Slightly longer, broad, with 9 apical Serrate robuSt Setae, outer margin with veStigial palp. Maxilla 2 (Fig. 30) inner plate Shorter than outer, apical margin with many curved robuSt Setae, plumoSe Seta on inner margin; outer plate apex with many curved robuSt Setae. Maxilliped (Fig. 29) outer plate broad, not arcuate or diStally acute; palp article 2 with well-developed Seta-covered diStomedial lobe, article 4 not viSible.

Gnathopod 1 (FigS 30, 31) Sexually dimorphic. FemaleS: coxa deeper than wide, anterior margin weakly concave to nearly Straight, ventral margin convex with Several robuSt Setae; baSiS weakly narrowing proximally along poSterior margin, anterior margin weakly concave to nearly Straight; iSchium Short; meruS poSterodiStal margin not produced into a lobe; carpuS with lobe covered in palmate Setae poSterodiStally; propoduS approximately 0.7 timeS length of carpuS, weakly expanded poSterodiStally but not into diStinct lobe; dactyluS Slightly longer than palm, Subchelate. MaleS: Similar to femaleS except baSiS narrowing Significantly along proximal poSterior margin; meruS poSterodiStal margin produced into a lobe covered in palmate Setae; carpuS with larger lobe covered in palmate Setae poSterodiStally; propoduS expanded poSterodiStally into Small lobe covered in palmate Setae; dactyluS Shorter than palm.

Gnathopod 2 (FigS 30, 31) Strongly Sexually dimorphic. FemaleS: coxa Slightly wider than deep, anterodiStal corner rounded, ventral margin convex with Small robuSt Setae, poSterior margin with Subacute proceSS; baSiS narrowing anteroproximally, leSS So poSteroproximally; iSchium narrow; meruS Slightly Shorter than iSchium, produced poSterodiStally into a lobe covered in palmate Setae; carpuS elongate with lobe covered in palmate Setae poSterodiStally; propoduS mitten-Shaped, Subequal in length to carpuS, Slender, weakly broadening diStally; dactyluS Short. MaleS: baSiS narrowing poSteroproximally; iSchium Short, broadening diStally; meruS and carpuS Small; propoduS Strongly Subchelate, Subovate to elliptic, palm convex, palm margin with row of Small Setae on each Side; dactyluS diStally attenuated.

Pereopod 3 (Fig. 31) coxa anterodiStal corner rounded, ventral margin nearly Straight or Slightly convex with Short robuSt Setae, poSterodiStal corner curving to form Subacute proceSS on poSterior margin; baSiS broadening diStally; iSchium Short; meruS narrowing proximally; carpuS 0.6–0.7 timeS length of meruS; propoduS 1.2–1.3 timeS longer than carpuS, Slender.

Pereopod 4 (Fig. 31) Shorter than 3; coxa with broadly rounded and obtuSe anterodiStal and poSterodiStal cornerS, ventral margin nearly Straight with Short robuSt Setae, poSterior margin with Subacute proceSS; baSiS broadening diStally; iSchium Short; meruS narrowing proximally; carpuS 0.7–0.8 timeS length of meruS; propoduS 1.3–1.4 timeS length of carpuS; dactyluS poSterior margin weakly pinched.

Pereopod 5 (Fig. 31) coxa ventrally bilobate, anterior lobe larger, Short robuSt Setae preSent on ventral margin of anterior lobe, ventral and poSterior marginS of poSterior lobe with few or no Setae; baSiS Subovate; iSchium Short; meruS broadening diStally; carpuS Subequal in length to meruS; propoduS approximately 1.2 timeS longer than carpuS.

Pereopod 6 (Fig. 32) coxa ventral margin rounded with few robuSt Setae; baSiS Subovate to elliptic; iSchium Short; meruS narrowing proximally; carpuS weakly broadening diStally, Subequal in length to meruS; propoduS 1.2– 1.3 timeS longer than carpuS, Slender.

Pereopod 7 (Fig. 32) Subequal to or Slightly longer than pereopod 6; coxa wider than deep, ventral margin nearly Straight or weakly convex, poSterodiStal corner rounded with minute SerrationS and few Small robuSt Setae; baSiS broadly Subovate, poSterior margin with minute SerrationS each with a Small robuSt Seta; iSchium Short; meruS narrowing proximally; carpuS Subequal in length to meruS; propoduS 1.2–1.3 timeS longer than carpuS, Slender.

Oostegites (Fig. 32) preSent on gnathopod 2 and pereopodS 3–5, weakly SetoSe (from 5–12 Setae). OoStegite on gnathopod 2 ShorteSt. OoStegiteS on pereopodS 3 and 4 longeSt, with concave anteroproximal marginS and weakly convex poSterior marginS. OoStegite on pereopod 5 narrowing diStally.

Gills (Fig. 32) preSent on gnathopod 2 and pereopodS 3–6. Gill on gnathopod 2 large, trilobate, diStal lobe with Subacute tip. GillS on pereopodS 3–5 Small to medium, Simple. Gill on pereopod 6 large, diStal arm long, curving and Slender, with Subacute tip.

Pleopod 1 (Fig. 33) well developed, biramouS; peduncle without long marginal Setae but with Scattered Short marginal Setae; rami weakly Segmented diStally, 0.6–0.9 timeS length of peduncle, inner ramuS Subequal to or Slightly longer than outer ramuS. Pleopods 2–3 (Fig. 33) veStigial, pleopod 2 Slightly longer than 3; peduncle reduced; rami abSent.

Epimeron 1 (Fig. 29) deep, with curving anteroventral margin. Epimeron 2 (Fig. 29) aS deep aS epimeron 1, ventral margin convex, poSteroventral corner almoSt a right angle with Small Subacute proceSS, poSterior margin nearly Straight with minute SerrationS and tiny Setae. Epimeron 3 (Fig. 29) ShalloweSt, ventral margin convex, poSteroventral corner with Small Subacute proceSS, poSterior margin weakly Sinuate with minute SerrationS and tiny Setae.

Uropods 1–3 not Sexually dimorphic. Uropod 1 (Fig. 33) peduncle lateral margin with 3–4 dorSal robuSt Setae and 1 Subapical robuSt Seta, meSial margin with 4 dorSal robuSt Setae, diStolateral robuSt Seta not enlarged; rami approximately 0.7 timeS length of peduncle with long and Short Subapical and apical Stout robuSt Setae, outer ramuS without dorSal robuSt Setae, inner ramuS with two rowS of dorSal robuSt Setae, uSually 4 (occaSionally 5) dorSal robuSt Setae on meSial margin, and 2–5 Smaller dorSal robuSt Setae on lateral margin.

Uropod 2 (Fig. 33) peduncle approximately 0.6 timeS length of uropod 1 peduncle, Slightly broader, narrowing diStally, lateral margin with 3 (occaSionally 4) dorSal robuSt Setae increaSing in Size diStally and one Subapical robuSt Seta, meSial margin with 2 dorSal robuSt Setae, diStal Seta the upper-moSt of a cloSe-Set line of 4–5 Setae extending acroSS meSial margin and face of peduncle; rami Subequal to or Slightly Shorter than peduncle with long and Short Subapical and apical Stout robuSt Setae, outer ramuS with 3 (occaSionally 4) dorSal robuSt Setae, inner ramuS with two rowS of robuSt Setae, 3–6 dorSal robuSt Setae on meSial margin, and 3 Smaller dorSal robuSt Setae on lateral margin.

Uropod 3 (Fig. 33) peduncle with two dorSolateral robuSt Setae, proximal Seta the larger, diStal Seta Slightly more ventrally Situated; ramuS approximately 0.6 timeS length of peduncle, with 1 lateral robuSt Seta diStally, 1 Subapical robuSt Seta and 1–2 Small apical robuSt Setae.

Telson (Fig. 33) longer than wide, concave dorSally, apically weakly inciSed, 2–3 robuSt Setae apically or Subapically and 3 marginal or Submarginal robuSt Setae dorSally on each Side, proximal Seta coincideS with broadeSt part of telSon.

Habitat. Predominantly native foreSt. AlSo preSent in Pinus radiata plantation foreSt and native Shrubland.

Distribution. North ISland, Northland: Tapotupotu, ShenStone Block, Radar BuSh, DarkieS Ridge, Kohuroa, area and habitatS inland of SpiritS Bay, Unuwhao, Te Huka, Haupatoto, Whakapaku, Taumataroa, North Cape.

Remarks. Waematau unuwhao waS deScribed by Duncan (1994) baSed on the five individualS known at the time. We provide more detailed information on the Setation of the uropodS and telSon including the preSence of a Second row of robuSt Setae on the inner rami of uropodS 1 and 2, the diagonal line of robuSt Setae along the meSial margin and face of the peduncle of uropod 2 and the preSence of a Second dorSolateral robuSt Seta on the peduncle of uropod 3. Female W. unuwhao were Significantly longer than maleS (Table 4).