Phoenicopteriella womersleyi (Fain, 1955)

Speleognathus womersleyi Fain, 1955b: 695, 1956a: 21, figs. 5–6, 23, 26; Clark 1958: 84, figs. 3–4, 9–12. Holotype in RMCA, examined.

Trispeleognathus womersleyi, Fain 1958b: 178, 1962a: 9; Fain & Hyland 1975: 205.

Trispeleognathus (Trispeleognathus) womersleyi, Fain 1963d: 23.

Ophthalmognathus womersleyi, Domrow 1969: 390; Spicer 1977: 498.

Phoenicopteriella womersleyi, Fain 1985a: 152, 1985b: 254, fig. 19.

Type host: Dendrocygna viduata (Linnaeus) (Anseriformes: Anatidae) from Rwanda.

Diagnosis. Palp tarsus with 3 setae (Be-type) and solenidion; palp tibia without setae. Hypostome with 1 pair of setae (Bb-type). Setae vi situated posterior to level of si. All dorsal setae Dd-type, except sensillae si SC-type, genital setae Bf-type. Agenital series with 2 pairs of setae. Genital series with 2 pairs of setae. Number of leg setae: coxae 2–1–1–1, femora 5–4–3–3.

Hosts and distribution. Anseriformes (Anatidae): DendrOcygna viduata (Linnaeus) and SarkidOrnis melanOtOs (Pennant) both from Rwanda [Southern Prov., Butare] (Fain 1956a).

Non-African hosts and distribution. Anatidae: Anas acuta Linnaeus, A. clypeata (Linnaeus), A. discOrs (Linnaeus), A. strepera Linnaeus, Aythia affinis (Eyton), all from USA (Clark 1958; Fain & Hyland 1975; Spicer 1977).