3. Ephippiger persicarius (Fruhstorfer, 1921) = istarska (crnoglava) sedlarka
First faunistic record for Croatia: Harz 1966
Also reported as: E. ephippiger vicheti Harz, 1966 (Harz 1966)
Distribution in Croatia: There is a single record for this species in Istria (Harz 1966, 1969) recorded under E ephippiger vicheti Harz, 1966. Type specimens of E. e. vicheti are found to be conspecific with E. persicarius, described from Switzerland (Monte Carasso (1600 m a.s.l.) and Alpe di Orino (1200 m a.s.l.)) (Baur & Coray 2004, Barat 2012). Three male paratypes were collected in Pazin (= Pisino, leg. H. Krauss).
Distribution in Europe: South–western part of the Alps, concentrated in the mountain regions of Italy and Switzerland between the Lago Maggiore and the region of Trentino, reaching northwards to the southern parts of the Tessin and Graubünden. Records also exist from the Alpi Marittimi (Italy), Styria (Austria) and Istria (Croatia) (Zuna-Kratky et al. 2016).