Antarctoscyphus spiralis (Hickson and Gravely, 1907)

(Fig. 3D)

Symplectoscyphus spiralis — Briggs, 1938: 34 –35.

Antarctoscyphus spiralis —Peña Cantero et al., 2017: 31–34, fig. 13 (synonymy).

Material examined. 29EV59 , a stem fragment 70 mm long (IK–2009–0335); 63EV314, a colony fragment 70 mm long, with gonothecae (IK–2012–10434).

Remarks. This is a well-known species, easily recognizable by the presence of three internal cusps situated at the embayments between the cusps of the hydrothecal aperture (Fig. 3D). See Peña Cantero et al. (2017) for a recent diagnosis.

Ecology and distribution. Our material was collected from depths between 423 and 480 m, and with gonothecae in January. Previously reported by Briggs (1938), at depths between 99 and 720 m, from Commonwealth Bay. Circum-Antarctic distribution (Stepanjants 1979).