Staurotheca dichotoma? Allman, 1888 (*)

? Staurotheca dichotoma — Briggs, 1938: 27.

Staurotheca dichotoma— Peña Cantero & Vervoort, 2003: 2681 –2683, fig. 7 (synonymy).

Remarks. Record by Briggs (1938) is doubtful because he provided neither description nor measurements. This author indicated that his specimen was provided with vase-shaped female gonothecae. However, gonothecae of that shape are also found in other species of Staurotheca (e.g. Staurotheca glomulosa Peña Cantero, Svoboda & Vervoort, 1997 and S. nonscripta).

Ecology and distribution. Briggs (1938) reported this species from Commonwealth Bay, at depths between 630 and 720 m. Antarctic-Kerguelen distribution (Peña Cantero & Vervoort 2003).