Euplocania ariasi n. sp. Male

Figs 1–6

Diagnosis. It is close to E. caldasi n. sp., E. ecuatoriana n. sp., E. lasdelicias n. sp., E. picta New, E. pictaoides García Aldrete, E. rafaeli n. sp., and E. vaupesiana n. sp., from which it differs by the shape of the postero-lateral processes of the central sclerite of the hypandrium, and by the phallosome endophallic sclerites.

Color (in 80% ethanol) Head pattern (Fig. 3). Compound eyes black, ocelli with ochre centripetal crescents. Labrum pale brown. Genae with dark brown transverse bands. Scape and pedicel pale brown. Maxillary palps brown, Mx4 distally dark brown. Forewings veins brown, with a dark brown spot at wing margin and a clear window surrounding the latter. Pterostigma dark brown (Fig. 1). Hindwings hyaline, with pale brown veins, except Cu, A2 and stem of R which are brown, each vein with a brown spot at wing margin (Fig. 2). Central sclerite of hypandrium pale brown, with median V-shaped dark brown area posteriorly; postero-lateral processes ochre. Epiproct damaged, paraprocts with dark brown curved band on outer border of sensory fields.

Morphology. Head (Fig. 3): H/MxW: 1.51; upper border of compound eyes slightly below the level of the slightly concave vertex, H/d: 3.58; IO/MxW: 0.46; H/D: 2.29. Outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with seven denticles. Forewings (Fig. 1): L/W: 2.61. Pterostigma: lp/wp: 3.92, areola postica tall, slanted posteriorly, with rounded apex: al/ah: 1.83. Hindwings (Fig. 2): l/w: 2.92. Central sclerite of hypandrium with sides almost parallel, convex anteriorly, with claw-shaped acuminate internal process on the posterior projections, postero median concavity V-shaped, strongly sclerotized, side sclerites lost (Fig. 6). Phallosome (Fig. 5); side struts lost; external parameres sclerotized, broad, rounded posteriorly and forked anteriorly, the two arms slender. Two pairs of endophallic sclerites and one transverse mesal sclerite; antero-median pair with a long proximal projection; mesal sclerite with two latero-posterior projections. Paraprocts (Fig. 4) anteriorly wide; sensory fields with 20 trichobothria on basal rosettes

Measurements. FW: 3975, HW: 2850, F: 875, T: 1075, t1: 520, t2: 80, t3: 110, ctt1: 17, f1: 750, f2: 550, IO: 490, D: 470, d: 300, IO/d: 1.63, PO: 0.64.

Specimen studied. Holotype male. BRAZIL. Goiás, Xambioá, Rio Araguaia. 11°42’49’’S: 50°40’28’’W. 8. XII.1982. J. Arias. CDC light trap. INPA.

Etymology. This species is dedicated to its collector Jorge Arias, formerly a researcher at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amâzonia, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.