Published August 3, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Paracrassocoris hekouensis Bai & Heiss & Cai 2018, sp. nov.


Paracrassocoris hekouensis sp. nov.

(Figs. 24–38)

Type material. Holotype (♀): China, Yunnan, Hekou, Nanxi, 132 m, 22°40'596'' N 103°56' 518''E, 21.v.2009, leg. X.S. Bai (IMNU). Paratypes: (♂, damaged abdomen) China, Yunnan, Hekou, Nanxi, 132 m, 22°40'596'' N 103°56' 518''E, 21.v.2009, leg. X.S. Bai (IMNU); (♀) China, Yunnan, Hekou, Nanxi, 132 m, 22°40'596'' N 103°56' 518''E, 21.v.2009, leg. X.S. Bai (IMNU). These specimens are provided with type labels accordingly.

Description of female. Head. Longer than wide across eyes (1.2/0.93); genae slightly notched anteriorly, reaching basal one-fourth of first antennal segment; clypeus strongly raised anteriorly, with tubercle near apex; antenniferous tubercles short, dilated, apices acute; antennae 3.16 times as long as width of head across eyes, relative length of antennal segments I to IV= 0.93/0.43/1.17/0.47; eyes small, convex; postocular tubercles small and not reaching outer margin of antenniferous tubercles, postocular lobes strongly constricted posteriorly; vertex with granulate carinae flanked by a pair of large, ovate infraocular callosities.

Pronotum. 2.67 times as wide as long (1.6/0.6), attenuated anteriorly; collar thick, longer than width of first antennal segment (0.2/0.17); anterolateral angles acute, produced; disc with a median sulcus, flanked by a pair of subtriangular plates which meet at anterior margin; laterad of plates disc with a pair of subquadrangular plates with irregular callosities, conical tubercles and granulate carinae laterally; posterior margin of pronotum slightly convex separated from mesonotum by a deep furrow.

Mesonotum. Wider than pronotum (2.1/1.6); separated from metanotum by a pair of very deep furrows laterally; across meso- and metanota medially with an elongate ridge flanked by deep furrows and subtriangular and oval plates with irregular callosities and high granulated carinae along lateral margin.

Metanotum and mtg I+II. Wider than mesonotum (2.73/2.1); median ridge flanked by a pair of deep oval excavations, laterad of with two pairs of oval plates and high granulated carinae along lateral margin; mtg I with a pair of high oblique transverse ridges sloping anterolaterally, separated at middle by a deep depression with a median carina; mtg II wide, disc with a pair of oblique deep furrows, sloping posteriorly and sideways, posterior margin carinate.

Abdomen. Tergal plate consisting of mtg III–VI, subpentagonal; posterior margin truncate, lateral margins slightly rounded; median carina raised on mtg III, elevated on mtg IV–VI then sloping; dorsal scent gland openings distinct; laterad of median ridge with the usual pattern of large and small callous spots; deltg II+III completely fused, IV–VII separated by fine sulci; posterolateral angles formed by the dorsally reflexed vltg II–VII progressively protruding and bearing visible spiracles V–VII; ptg VIII clavate shorter than tergite IX.

Venter. Sterna III to VI raised along posterior margin, depressed along anterior border, and with triangular, smooth spots medially, flanked by a pair of large, transversely ovate shallow depressions, these bearing a pair of round callous spots of usual pattern; spiracles II to IV ventral, V to VII lateral and visible from above, VIII terminal.

Legs. Slender, preapical comb on fore tibia present, claws with fine pulvilli.

Male. Morphological structures as of female but of smaller size. Head longer than wide across eyes (1.1/0.83); relative length of antennal segments I to IV= 0.8/0.4/1.0/0.47; pronotum wider than long (1.37/0.57); width of mesonotum 1.77; width of metanotum 2.27; mtg VII strongly elevated posteriorly; posterolateral angles of deltg VII rectangular, ptg VIII clavate, shorter than posteriorly constricted cordate pygophore (Figs. 34,35); parameres slender (Figs. 36-38).

Measurements [in mm, ♂ (n=1) / ♀ (n=2), holotype in parentheses]. Body length 5.9 / 6.85–6.95(6.85); maximal width of abdomen 2.55 / 3.15–3.35 (3.35). Head length 1.1 / 1.25 (1.20), width 0.85 / 0.9–0.95 (0.93). Pronotum length 0.55 / 0.6–0.65 (0.6), width 1.35 / 1.6–1.65 (1.6). Mesonotum width 1.75 / 2.15 (2.1). Metanotum width 2.3 / 2.7–2.75 (2.73). Length of antennal segments I–IV =0.8, 0.4, 1.0, 0.45 / 0.85–0.95, 0.4–0.45, 1.1–1.15, 0.45–0.5 (0.93, 0.43, 1.17, 0.47).

Etymology. The specific name refers to the type locality.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).


Published as part of Bai, Xiaoshuan, Heiss, Ernst & Cai, Wanzhi, 2018, Reconsideration of the apterous carventine genus Crassocoris and description of Paracrassocoris gen. nov. from China (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae), pp. 537-546 in Zootaxa 4455 (3) on pages 542-545, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4455.3.9,


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Collection code
Event date
Scientific name authorship
Bai & Heiss & Cai
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Paracrassocoris hekouensis Bai, Heiss & Cai, 2018