Allotrichoma (Allotrichoma) biroi Cresson, 1902

Allotrichoma biroi Cresson, 1929: 174. Holotype, male. India (Bombay) (HNHM).

Notiphila rufitarsis Macquart, 1851: 302 [Preoccupied in Notiphila by Waltl, 1837: 281]. Lectotype (herein designated). Egypt (OUMNH). New synonym. Type material of N. rufitarsis, examined: A syntype male (in a poor condition) in OUMNH is herein designated as lectotype and is labeled: "SYN-TYPE" (round label with light blue margin), " N. rufitarsis EX COLL. BIG.". Five paralectotypes: one female in a bad condition (without a head, glued wings), labelled: "SYN - TYPE " (round label with light blue margin), " Notiphila rufitarsis ♀ Macq. n.sp. " (handwritten), " N. rufitarsis EX COLL. BIG.", one male and three females in a poor condition (some legs and setae missing), labeled: "SYN-TYPE" (round label with light blue margin), " N. rufitarsis EX COLL. BIG.".

Allotrichoma (Allotrichoma) ralloi Canzoneri, 1987: 87. Sudan (Omdurman).

Allotrichoma abiatense Canzoneri, 1988: 3. Ethiopia (Addis Ababa: Lake Abiata).

Distribution: AF: Oman, Sudan, Arabia, United Arab Emirates. OR: India. PA: Egypt, Israel, Saudi.

Egyptian localities: Eastern Desert: Port Said. Lower Nile Valley & Delta: Cairo, El-Marg. Upper Nile Valley: Assiout (Krivosheina & Zatwarnicki, 1998: 297).

Dates of collection: March to August.