Darnilia granulata Long & van Achterberg, sp. n.

(Figs 1–11)

Material. Holotype, female, ‘ Rog. 891’ (VNMN), NE. Vietnam: Tuyen Quang, Na Hang, Thanh Tuong, forest, MT, 22°19’01.4’’N 105°24’02.3’’E, 162m, 15.ix.2016, KDLong. Paratypes: 6 females, ‘ Rog. 822’ (IEBR), NW. Vietnam: Hoa Binh, Yen Thuy, Lac Thinh, forest, MT, 20°23’06’’N 105°34’11’’E, 315m, 20.vi.2002, KDLong; ‘ Rog. 884’ (VNMN), NE. Vietnam: Tuyen Quang, Na Hang, Thanh Tuong, forest, MT, 22°19’01.4’’N 105°24’02.3’’E, 162m, 5.xi.2016, KDLong; ‘ Rog. 891’ (IEBR), ‘ Rog. 892’ (RMNH), ibid., but 15.ix.2016; ‘ Rog. 948’ (IEBR), ‘ Rog. 949’ (VNMN), NE. Vietnam: Tuyen Quang, Na Hang, Son Phu, forest, MT, 22°17’32.0’’N 105°28’19.9’’E, 573m, 5.ii.2017, KDLong; 2 females (RMNH), N. Vietnam: Ninh Binh, Cuc Phuong N.P., [Malaise trap] in centre, c. 225 m, 29.vi.–18.vii.2000, Mai Phu Quy, RMNH’01.

Comparative diagnosis. Antenna long, apical antennomere acuminate (Fig. 7); occipital carina narrowly interrupted medio-dorsally (Fig. 1); vein 1-M of fore wing distinctly curved basally; vein cu-a perpendicular; vein 1-M of hind wing 1.4–1.7 × as long as vein M+CU; propodeum finely granulate entirely; first metasomal tergite slightly longer than its apical width, without median carina; surface of first-third tergites finely granulate (Fig. 10).

Description. Holotype, female, body length 4.1 mm, fore wing length 3.8 mm, antenna 6.5 mm; ovipositor sheath 0.3 mm.

Head. Antenna with 45 antennomeres; middle antennomere 2.4 × longer than wide (6:2.5); third antennomere 1.2 × fourth (7:6); preapical antennomere 0.8 × as long as apical antennomere (5:6); maxillary palp 1.4 × height of head (31:22); face rather wide, width of face 1.3 × length of face and clypeus combined (20:15) (Fig. 2); malar space as long as mandible basal width (5:5); mandible basal width 0.7 × as long as hypoclypeal depression (5:7); malar suture present; distance between tentorial pits 2.7 × distance between pits and eyes (8:3); in dorsal view, height of eye 5.0 × as long as temple (15:3); in lateral view, width of eye 4.7 × as long as temple (14:3); ocelli medium-sized, POL:OD:OOL=2:3:3; distance between front and hind ocelli 0.7 × as long as OOL (2:3) (Fig. 1). Face almost smooth medially, finely granulate laterally (Fig. 2); frons slightly depressed medially, with fine striae near antennal sockets; vertex with fine transverse striae; temple almost smooth.

Mesosoma. Length of mesosoma 1.6 × as long as high (54:34); pronotal side smooth; mesoscutum shiny, almost smooth; notauli deep, narrow; posterior depression of mesoscutum slightly depressed (Fig. 4); prescutellar sulcus with one median carina, 0.7 × as long as scutellum (4:6); scutellum smooth; precoxal sulcus shadow, smooth; mesopleuron largely smooth (Fig. 5); metapleuron finely granulate; propodeum with faint median carina, granulate entirely (Fig. 8).

Wings. Fore wing: length 3.0 × its maximum width (103:34); pterostigma 4.4 × as long as wide (31:7); r:2- SR:3-SR:SR1=5:11:20:36; vein r arising before middle of pterostigma; vein 1-M distinctly curved basally (Fig. 9); vein cu-a nearly perpendicular (Fig. 9); 1-CU1:cu-a:2-CU1:3-CU1=2:4:18:4; basal length of second submarginal 3.1 × as long as its apical width (28:9) (Fig. 9). Hind wing: length 6.4 × its maximum width (89:14); vein 1-M 1.5 × as long as vein M+CU; vein M+CU:1-M:1r-m=16:24:8.

Legs. Length of hind femur, tibia and basitarsus 4.3, 10.4 and 8.8 × their maximum width, respectively; inner hind tibial spur 0.3 × as long as basitarsus (7:22); hind basitarsus 0.5 × as long as second-fifth tarsus (22:46); hind fourth tarsal segment 0.8 × fifth tarsal segment (4:5); hind tarsal claw with large lobe (Fig. 6).

Metasoma. First tergite 1.1 × as long as apical width (28:25) (Fig. 10); median length of second tergite 2.0 × than third (38:19) (Fig. 11); first metasomal tergite without median carina (Fig. 10); second-fourth tergites finely granulate (Fig. 11); ovipositor sheath 0.4 × as long as hind basitarsus (7:16) and 0.1 × fore wing; ovipositor robust, evenly curved downwards.

Colour. Pale to whitish yellow; scapus pale yellow; antenna brownish yellow; palpi whitish yellow; stemmaticum brown; pronotum brown dorsally; pronotal trough brown dorsally, whitish yellow ventrally; mesonotum yellow; scutellum pale yellow; mesopleuron and metapleuron pale yellow; propodeum brown, yellow medio-apically; tegula pale yellow; fore and middle legs whitish yellow, except telotarsus darker; hind coxa, except dorso-apically brownish yellow, femur and tibia whitish yellow; hind tarsus 1-4 pale yellow; hind telotarsus brownish yellow; fore wing veins and pterostigma yellow; wing membrance hyaline (Fig. 9); basal two third of first metasomal tergite brown, one third yellow; second tergite yellow; third-fourth tergites yellow medially, brownish yellow medially; fifth-sixth tergites pale yellow; ovipositor sheath brownish yellow.

Male: Unknown.

Etymology. From “granum” (Latin for seed, small kernel), because surface of propodeum and first-fourth tergites finely granulate.

Host: Unknown.

Variation. Paratypes: antenna with 45–53 antennomeres; first tergite 1.0–1.1 × as long as apical width; medial length of second metasomal tergite 1.4–1.7 × as long as third tergite medially; body length 3.6–5.7 mm; fore wing length 3.7–4.8 mm; vein 1-M of hind wing 1.1–1.6 × as long as vein M+CU.