Key to the species of the genus Pseudepione Inoue, 1943

1 a. Forewing ground coloration ochreous with basal and outer 1/3 parts of both wings tinged with greyish brown suffusion; hindwing discoidal dot present; valvae broad with width equally from base to subapical part; sclerotization of ductus bursae extending to the posterior part of corpus bursae; spinous signum less developed ..................................................................................... P. shiraii

1b. Forewing ground coloration monotonous, ochreous or brownish; hindwing discoidal dot present or absent; valvae narrow with width equally from base to subapical part, or widest at medial part; ductus bursae less sclerotized at anterior part; spinous signum well developed................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

2a. Forewing ground coloration ochreous; hindwing discoidal dot absent; valvae widest at medial part than gradually narrowed towards apex; posterior part of aedeagus spoon-shaped; ductus bursae swollen at posterior part; nearly whole region of ductus bursae sclerotized ............................................................................................................................................................. P. magnaria

2b. Forewing ground coloration brownish; hindwing discoidal dot present; valvae narrow with width equally from base to subapical part; posterior part of aedeagus distinctly acute; ductus bursae gradually widen towards anterior part; sclerotization of ductus bursae restricted at the medial part ....................................................................................................................................... P. nakajimai