Family Urodinychidae Berlese, 1917

Uroobovella Berlese, 1905

Uroobovella appendiculata (Berlese, 1910)

• Original name: Dinychopsis appendiculata Berlese, 1910.

• In: Redia, 13: 11.

• Combinations/variations used in Irish literature: Fuscuropoda appendiculata Berlese (Bolger, 1980).

Irish Records: Pasture (Bolger, 1980); nest of Lasius flavus (Arroyo et al., 2015).

Counties: Limerick, Meath.

• Uroobovella euris (Turk & Turk, 1952) • Original name: Phaulodiaspis euris Turk & Turk, 1952 • In: Annals and Magazine of Natural History (12 Ser.), 5: 491. • Combinations/variations used in Irish literature: Phaulodiaspis euris Turk & Turk (Turk & Turk, 1952).

Irish Records: Nest of kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) (Turk & Turk, 1952).

Counties: Dublin.

Uroobovella marginata (Koch, 1839) • Original name: Notaspis marginatus Koch, 1839. • In: Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriopoden und Arachniden. 1835–1844. Regensburg, fasc. 27 (22). • Combinations/variations used in Irish literature: Fuscuropoda marginata (Koch) (O’Farrell & Butler, 1948; Cusack, 1974; Cusack et al., 1975).

Irish Records: Stored foodstuffs (O’Farrell & Butler, 1948); farm grain stores (Cusack, 1974; Cusack et

al., 1975).

Counties: Not specified.

Uroobovella notabilis Berlese, 1903

• Original name: Uroobovella notabilis Berlese, 1903.

• In: Redia, 1; 250.

Irish Records: Nest of Formica fusca and decaying birch log (Halbert, 1915).

Counties: Wicklow.

Uroobovella obovata Canestrini & Berlese, 1884

• Original name: Uropoda obovata Canestrini & Berlese, 1884.

• In: Atti del Reale Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, Series 6, 2: 176.

Irish Records: Nest of Lasius flavus (Arroyo et al., 2015).

Counties: Limerick.