Oncideres ochreostillata Dillon & Dillon, 1952

Type locality. Brazil, "Santa Dounrya" (Peru, Lima: Santa Dounya) (FMNH). Distribution. Brazil? Oncideres ochreostillata Dillon & Dillon, 1952: 75; Chemsak, 1977: 177 (type); Monné, M.A., 2005b: 582 (cat.); Nearns & Maier, 2016: 4, figs. 13a, b (holotype).

The photograph of the label of the type-specimen of Oncideres ochreostillata Dillon & Dillon, 1952 (Nearns & Maier, 2016: fig. 13b), allowed us to determine the correct provenance of the specimen. On the upper line is “Santa Dounya” and on the second and lower line is “G.E. Peru ”. Therefore, the correct provenance is Peru, Province of Lima: Santa Maria del Mar District, 12°25′00″S 76°47′00″W, Santa Dounya. In the original description (Dillon & Dillon, 1952: 75) the locality listed is Brazil, “Santa Dounrya”.