Synaphosus jaegeri sp. n.

Figs 14‒15, 17‒25, 32‒34, 54

Types. Holotype ♂ (SMF) and paratype ♀ (SMF) LAOS, Champasak Province, Muang Bachieng, Pak Son, 15°10'36"N, 106°14'15.2"E, 1280 m, plateau, pine forest, by hands, sieving. 27.11.2009 (S. Bayer).

Etymology. The specific name is a patronym in honour of our colleague and friend Peter Jäger (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) who made great contributions to the study of Laotian spiders.

Diagnosis. The new species is closely related to S. femininis (Figs 1‒13) from which it can be distinguished by shorter retrodorsal tibial apophysis, egg-shaped cymbium (but not droplet-shaped with distinct tapering tip), simple conductor (not three-dimensional and partly encircling the tip of the cymbium, Fig. 8), shorter epigynal scape, thicker copulatory ducts with 6 free coils (copulatory ducts not thinner with 13‒14 closely spaced coils, Figs 5‒7, 12‒13).

Description. Male. Total length 4.15, carapace 1.9 long, 1.53 wide. Carapace yellowish-brown without pattern. Chelicerae, maxillae, labium and sternum yellowish. Legs yellowish-brow with yellow coxae. Abdomen gray with brown trapezoidal scutum. Legs with long trichobothria. Longest trichobothria on tarsi and metatarsi about 2/3 of segment length (as in Fig. 4).

Leg measurements in ♂.

Spination of male legs.

Palp as in Figs 20‒24, 32‒34. Femur and patella unmodified; tibia with conical outgrowth (To) and long bifid retrodorsal apophysis (Ta); cymbium egg-shaped, as long as bulb (tip extending bulb absent); conductor (Cd) large covering almost whole tegulum, with two arms directed pro (Cp) and retrolaterally (Cr); prolateral arm weakly sclerotized and covered with fine spines near prolateral edge; tip of conductor (Ct) triangle shaped, terminating at the posterior-retrolateral edge of bulb; embolus (Em) long, filamentous originating at about 6:30 o'clock position°, with hammer-like dorso-basal outgrowth (Eb).

Female. Total length 5.25, carapace 2.13 long, 1.5 wide. Coloration as in male but somewhat darker.

Leg measurements in ♀.

Spination as in male except Fe II with 2d, 1p and Fe IV with 2d, 1r. Epigyne as in Figs 17‒19. Plate about 2 times longer than wide, anterior part with short subtriangular scape (Sc), scape with pocket on dorsal side; anterior 1/3 with transversal wrinkles; copulatory openings (Co) indistinct, located in mid part of the plate near the long axis; insemination duct makes 6 coils, 2 coils near receptacles more sclerotized than others; receptacles (Re) transverse egg-shaped.