Syphacia peromysci Harkema

Site of infection: Caecum and large intestine

Host: Peromyscus yucatanicus

Locality: Paraíso

Prevalence and mean intensity (range): 20% (1/5) and 465 (465)

Specimens deposited: MLP-He 7436 and CNHE 10709

Comments: The specimens examined from Yucatán had traits described by Kruidenier et al. (1961), Quentin & Kinsella (1972), and Falcón-Ordaz et al. (2016), i.e. cephalic plate rounded (males) or elongated (females); amphids located medial to the ventral submedian papillae; lateral alae present; males with three mamelons, spicule 62–71 long, gubernaculum 31–33 long, accessory hook with ornamentation, three pairs of caudal papillae surrounding the cloacal region, and tail 67–79 long; and females with no prominent vulva and tail 276–321 long. All females were non-gravid.

In México, S. peromysci has been recorded from P. maniculatus in Hidalgo (Pulido-Flores et al. 2005) and P. difficilis in Veracruz (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2016). This is the first record of S. peromysci from P. yucatanicus and for Yucatán.