Hymenolepis diminuta (Rudolphi)

(= Taenia diminuta Rudolphi; = Taenia flavopunctata Weinland)

Site of infection: Small intestine

Host species: Rattus rattus

Locality: Xkalakdzonot

Prevalence and mean intensity (range): 15.3% (18/118) and 3.3 (1–11)

Specimens deposited: MLP-He 7423 and CNHE 10699

Comments: The characteristics observed in the specimens collected in Yucatán agreed with descriptions given by Miyazaki (1991) and Fitte et al. (2017a), i.e. scolex 146 long by 215–217 wide, with unarmed rostellum and four suckers 90–97 long by 78–90 wide; three testicles separated in two groups by female gonads; and eggs 58–73 long by 45–63 wide without polar filaments.

In México, H. diminuta has been recorded from R. rattus in Michoacán (Tay Zavala et al. 1999), R. norvegicus in México City (Caballero y Caballero 1939; Zerecero 1943), Michoacán (Hierro-Huerta 1992; Tay Zavala et al.

1999), and Tabasco (Cigarroa-Toledo et al. 2017), Hodomys alleni (Merriam) in Colima (Miyazaki et al. 1980), and Peromyscus difficilis (Allen) in Hidalgo (Carmona-Huerta 1994).

In Yucatán, this species was previously reported from M. musculus in Opichén (134 km to Xkalakdzonot) and also from R. rattus in two localities in Mérida (121–124 km to Xkalakdzonot) and Opichén (Panti-May et al. 2017).