Published September 21, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Libnotes (Libnotes) divaricata


Libnotes (Libnotes) divaricata (Alexander, 1924)

(Figs. 10–13)

Limonia divaricata Alexander, 1924: 61;

Libnotes (Libnotes) divaricata Oosterbroek, 2018.

Examined material: paratype, male (wing and genitalia slide-mounted), Japan, Meguro, Tokyo, June 10, 1923, Ryaichi Takashi (USNM); metatypes, 2 males (wing, leg and genitalia slide-mounted), Japan, Shikoku, Asizuri- Misaki, May 10, 1951, Issiki-Ito (USNM); 6 males (antenna (Fig. 10) and wing (Fig. 11) of one male slidemounted, terminalia (Fig. 12) in microvial with glycerol), 2 females (in ethanol, ovipositor of one female (Fig. 13) in microvial with glycerol), S. Korea, Jeju-do, Seogwipo, Donnaeko-ro, Hanrasong restaurant, N 33.299475, E 126.586671, altitude 250 m, June 12, 1999 (KU).

General body coloration yellowish brown. Male body length 4.3–5.4 mm, female 5.6–6.1 mm. Wing length of male 6.3–7.1 mm, of female 7.2 mm.

Head. Grayish brown. Eyes big, anterior vertex narrow. Antenna of male (Fig. 10) 1.2–1.4 mm, of female 1.5 mm long. Scape brown, elongate, nearly cylindrical. Pedicel brown with yellowish base, twice as short as scape. Flagellum grayish brown, basal flagellomeres oval, distal elongate. Apical segment 1.6 times as long as preceding segment. Longest verticils 1.6 times as long as respective segments. Rostrum yellowish brown, palpus brown, labella pale.

Thorax. Pronotum dark brown with narrowly yellowish posterior margin. Mesonotal prescutum grayishyellowish brown with wide dark brown median stripe, that gets darker frontally and indistinct posteriorly, with narrow yellowish line along middle. Scutal lobe brown, area between lobes pale. Scutellum yellowish brown, mediotergite pale brown. Pleuron obscure yellow with slightly darker spots. Wing (Fig. 11) subhyaline, brownish, yellowish in prearcular area, indistinctly darkened around base of Rs and basal deflection of CuA1. Stigma elongate, brownish, slightly widening towards wing apex. Veins light brown, yellow in prearcular area. Venation: Sc long, Sc1 ending slightly beyond branching of Rs. Sc2 at tip of Sc1. Rs short, slightly arched. R1 short transverse and very indistinct. R2 beyond tip of R1, oblique. R3 and R4+5 long, distinctly arched and parallel to each other. Cross-vein r-m distinct, at base of discal cell. Discal cell elongate, 2.75 times as long as wide. Basal deflection of CuA1 slightly before middle of discal cell. Second anal vein short and arched. Cell a2 medium wide, anal angle widely rounded. Halter obscure yellow, base of knob slightly infuscated. Length of male halter 1.0– 1.1 mm, of female 1.0– 1.2 mm. Coxae yellow, trochanters brownish yellow. Femur yellow with pale base and brownish distal part, tibia light brown, basal tarsomere same color as tibia, distal tarsomeres darkened. Male femur I: 5.45 mm long, III: 5.1 mm.

Abdomen. First abdominal tergite yellowish, remaining tergites brown. Basal sternite yellow, second and third light brown, remaining dark brown. Male terminalia (Fig. 12) brown, inner gonostylus pale brown. Posterior margin of ninth tergite rounded with small median emargination. Gonocoxite elongate, with short blunt-apexed, setose subbasal ventro-mesal lobe. Outer gonostylus sickle-shaped, inner gonostylus short, subglobular with long arched unarmed rostral prolongation. Paramere with deep invagination at posterior margin, separating horn-shaped darkened mesal part and wide blunt outer lobe. Penis long, wider at base. Tip complicated, laterally extended into

curved darkened lobes, central part bifid, “U”-shaped. Ovipositor (Fig. 13) obscure yellow, cercus with small dorsal, subapical tooth, hypovalva darkened at base, reaching to about tooth of cercus.

Elevation range in Korea. 250 m.

Period of activity. Middle of June.

Habitat. Species was collected near restaurant, close to stream surrounded by trees and shrubs.

General distribution. Currently known only from Honshu and Shikoku islands, Japan and here recorded from the Korean Peninsula for the first time.


Published as part of Podenas, Sigitas & Byun, Hye-Woo, 2018, Libnotes crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Jeju Island (South Korea), pp. 375-384 in Zootaxa 4483 (2) on pages 381-383, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4483.2.9,


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Collection code
Event date
1923-06-10 , 1951-05-10 , 1999-06-12
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
1923-06-10 , 1951-05-10 , 1999-06-12
Taxonomic concept label
Libnotes (Libnotes) divaricata (Alexander, 1924) sec. Podenas & Byun, 2018


  • Alexander, C. P. (1924) New or little-known crane flies from northern Japan (Tipulidae, Diptera). Philippine Journal of Science, 24, 531 - 611.
  • Oosterbroek, P. (2018) Catalogue of the Craneflies of the World (CCW). Online version. Available from: https: // ccw. naturalis. nl / (accessed 10 February 2018)