Tetraneuromyia errata sp. nov.

Figs 28, 30–31

Diagnosis. Tetraneuromyia errata and T. lamellata differ from each other in several details of the male genitalia (whereas we were unable to find distinctions in male non-genitalic and female characters, provided that our females were correctly associated with males, see T. lamellata). An important distinction is that in T. errata only the basal edge of the gonocoxal emargination is reinforced by a narrow, rather weak sclerotization (Fig. 31, ↓ 5), while in T. lamellata a large, subtriangular area below the emargination is strongly sclerotized (Fig. 25, ↓ 1). This comes along with differences in the gonocoxal relief: evenly, slightly convex in T. errata and with a pair of bulges in T. lamellata (Fig. 25, ↓ 2). Other interspecific differences concern the tegmen: in T. errata it is narrow, pointed or rounded apically (Fig. 28, ↓ 6), and bordered with 3–4 barbs on either side; in T. lamellata it is broad, blunt-ended or even slightly concave apically (Figs 26–27, ↓ 3), and bordered with 4–5 barbs. Also, the parameral apodemes are slightly thinner and longer in T. errata, which contributes to the impression that the tegmen of this species is elegant, while that of T. lamellata is rather heavily built. There are other, less obvious distinctions. For one thing, the gonostylar apex bearing the small tooth (which actually is a tuft of closely spaced spines) is somewhat protracted in T. lamellata (Fig. 29, ↓ 4), but not so in T. errata (Fig. 30); however, it needs gonostyli in absolutely identical position to appreciate this subtle difference. For another thing, the gonocoxae of T. errata are slightly longer compared with T. lamellata, but, admittedly, the anterior gonocoxal edge is sometimes difficult to determine due to the membranous texture of the gonocoxal base.

Etymology. The species name, errata, is a Latin adjective meaning “having been mistaken”, an allusion to our previous misidentification of this species as T. lamellata.

Type material. Holotype. Male, Sweden, Uppland, Uppsala, Fiby Nature Reserve, old-growth mixed taiga, 23–25 August 2009, sweepnet and aspirator, M. & C. Jaschhof (spm. no. NHRS-GULI000021307). Paratype. 1 male, same data as the holotype but 11 September 2005 (spm. no. CEC 1447 in SDEI).

Other material examined. Sweden: 1 male, Skåne, Ystad, Sandhammaren strand, Järahusen, sand dunes at forest edge, 30 July–26 September 2005, MT, SMTP (trap 1005, collecting event 1421) (spm. no. CEC 1446 in SDEI); 1 male, Södermanland, Tyresta NP, område 0, 4 August–24 September 2000, MT, B. Viklund, L.- O. Wikars & H. Ahnlund (spm. no. NHRS-GULI000021936); 1 female, Västerbotten, Vindeln, Kulbäcksliden NR, tall mixed taiga, 17 August 2009, sweepnet, M. & C. Jaschhof (spm. no. NHRS-GULI000021309); 2 males, same data but 4 July–18 August 2009, MT (spms nos NHRS-GULI000021310 – NHRS-GULI000021311); 1 male, Ångermanland, Örnsköldsvik, Skuleskogen, Långrå, mixed forest, 23 August–24 September 2004, MT, SMTP (trap 1005, collecting event 1189) (spm. no. NHRS-GULI000021308).