Angursa antarctica Villora-Moreno, 1998

Emended diagnosis

Angursa with bulbous primary clavae shorter than lateral cirri; pedestals of primary clavae and lateral cirri absent; morphology of secondary clavae unknown; flat tertiary clavae around external cirri; tapering cirri E with annulated scapi situated on short cirrophores; leg I sensory organs present; legs II and III sensory organs absent; leg IV sensory organs each as papilla enveloped in hemispherical cuticular sheath with short, apical spine; weak anal papillae present.


We amend the diagnosis of A. antarctica to include the information on the anal papillae noted in the original description (Villora-Moreno 1998) as well as the common pedestals of the primary clavae and the lateral cirri that Villora-Moreno (1998) considered as a distinguishing character but did not include in the diagnosis of A. antarctica. Furthermore, Villora-Moreno (1998) reported the presence of the secondary clavae around the external cirri. As the external cirri are positioned ventrally, we believe that the clavae Villora-Moreno (1998) observed should be referred to as tertiary clavae which are always positioned ventrally in the genus.