Daimachus robustus sp. nov.

Figs 1I, J, 3K, 4C, 5 E–H, 7A–G.

Colouration and structure as in generic description but forewings shorter and broader, about 2x as long as broad. Hind wings absent.

Male genitalia. Pygofer in lateral view more or less rectangular, both posterodorsal and posteroventral angles rounded, posterior margin more or less straight. Subgenital plate held vertically, broadened in distal region, exceeding posterior margin of pygofer. Style with apophysis dorsally curved subapically with apex broad, posterior angle of apex slightly longer than anterior angle. Connective with stem longer than arms, apex broad, anteromedial lobe vestigial. Aedeagus with shaft tapered in apical region in lateral view, without triangular projections on dorsal or ventral surface, apex of shaft bifid. Segment X and XI concealed within pygofer, ventral aspect of segment produced both anteriorly and posteriorly, but more so anteriorly forming tubular cover for apical part of aedeagal shaft in repose.

Female genitalia. Sternite VII posterior margin less broadly excavated in the form of V (Fig. 4C). Valvula II with short, less prominent teeth with secondary dentition (Fig. 5H).

Measurements. Male 3.0 mm long, 1.1 mm wide across eyes and 1.0 mm wide across posterolateral angles of pronotum. Female 2.9 mm long, 1.1 mm wide across eyes and 1.0 mm wide across posterolateral angles of pronotum.

Material examined. Holotype ♂, INDIA: Kerala: Kasargod, Periya, 15m, 12 o 15.383’N, 0 75 o 07.35’E, 29.ix.2011, Srikanth, Sweep net (UASB). Paratype 1 ♀, data same as holotype (UASB).

Etymology. The species epithet refers to the robust nature of this species.

Remarks. This is the shortest and most robust species among Daimachus species so far known. It has a much longer and strongly anteriorly recurved aedeagal shaft. It resembles D. sirsiensis sp. nov. but has short prong-like lateral projections on the apex of the aedeagal shaft compared to long thin processes in the latter species and also lacks the subapical ventral projection found in the latter species.