39. Notomastus teres Hartman, 1965

(Fig. 5e)

Notomastus teres Hartman, 1965: 194.

Type material: * Holotype (LACM AHF 0418), * Paratype (LACM AHF 0418), * Paratype (USNM 57105). Type locality: Western Atlantic, USA, Mid Atlantis states, off New England, 39°16’30’’N, 72°18.0’’W, 500– 4667 m, April 18, 1960.

Records: Only known from the type locality.

Remarks: Hartman (1965) described N. teres with hooded hooks on neuropodia of chaetigers 10 and 11, mentioning that this character makes it different from other species. We consider that this character is not important to separate one species from another, since during its development it is modified. However, the species is considered valid.