Symplectoscyphus weddelli Peña Cantero, Svoboda & Vervoort, 2002

(Fig. 11l, 12k)

Material examined. ANT XV/3: 48-168, mass of stems, c. 40 mm high, with developing gonothecae; 48-222, mass of stems, c. 50 mm high, with gonothecae; 48-276, few stems, up to 13 mm high, on Sc. nana; ANT XVII /3: 111-7, some stems, up to 11 mm high, with gonothecae; 111-9, some stems, up to 13 mm high, with gonothecae; 111-18, some stems, up to 10 mm high, on O. terranovae; 111-19, some stems, up to 20 mm high, on Sc. unifurcata, with gonothecae; ANT XXI /2: PS65/39, some stems, up to 10 mm high; PS65/121 few stems, up to 10 mm high, on O. tottoni and Sc. nana; PS65/174, some stems, up to 35 mm high, with gonothecae; PS65/237, some stems, up to 40 mm high, on sponge and Sc. nana; PS65/276, mass of stems, c. 50 mm high, with developing gonothecae; PS65/ 278, some stems, up to 15 mm high; PS65/281, some stems, up to 15 mm high, on O. terranovae.

Ecology and distribution. Species previously known from depths between 60 (Peña Cantero 2017) to 390 m (Peña Cantero et al. 2002); present material, was collected from 62 to 417 m depth. Circum-Antarctic species (Peña Cantero 2017) with few records, reported here for the third time.