(Fig. 11j, 12i)
Material examined. ANT XV/3: 48-4, some stems, up to 12 mm high; 48-189, some stems, up to 20 mm high; 48- 220, several stems, up to 25 mm high, on Sy. exochus, with gonothecae; 48-223, some stems, up to 12 mm high, on Sc. nana; ANT XVII /3: 111-6, some stems, up to 6 mm high, on O. terranovae; ANT XXI /2: PS65/39, mass of stems, c. 30 mm high, with gonothecae, and numerous stems, up to 60 mm high, on C. hicksoni, Sc. nana, S. lobata, Sy. naumovi, with gonothecae; PS65/121, some stems, up to 35 mm high, on Sc. nana, and mass of stems, c. 25 mm high; PS65/245, mass of stems, c. 20 mm high, with developing gonothecae; PS65/248, mass of stems, c. 50 mm high; PS65/253, mass of stems, c. 30 mm high; PS65/274, few stems, up to 10 mm high, on St. glomulosa and bryozoan; PS65/276, mass of stems, c. 30 mm high, with gonothecae; PS65/281, one stem, c. 3 mm high, on gravel.
Ecology and distribution. Species collected from 7 (Vervoort 1972b) to 1958 m (Peña Cantero 2012); present material between 68 and 337 m. Circum-Antarctic distribution (Stepanjants 1979, as Sertularella plectilis).