Antarctoscyphus grandis (Blanco, 1977)

(Fig. 10 e–g)

Material examined. ANT XV/3: 48-31, one colony, c. 50 mm high, with developing gonothecae; ANT XVII /3: 111- 5, one colony, c. 45 mm high; 111-9, one colony, c. 60 mm high, with gonothecae; ANT XXI /2: PS65/121, one colony, c. 40 mm high, with gonothecae; PS65/248, one colony, c. 35 mm high.

Ecology and distribution. Previously reported at depths from 15 m (Naumov & Stepanjants 1972, as Sertularella biformis) to 1042 m (Peña Cantero et al. 2017); present material was collected between 62 and 287 m. Circum-Antarctic distribution (Peña Cantero et al. 1997).