Eudendrium scotti Puce, Cerrano & Bavestrello, 2002

(Fig. 3i, k)

Material examined. ANT XV/3: 48-150, one colony, c. 80 mm high, on sponge, with male gonophores; 48-222, one stem, c. 25 mm, on Sy. weddelli, with female gonophores; ANT XXI /2: PS65/276, few stems, up to 6 mm, on St. vanhoeffeni.

Remarks. Cnidome comprising large macrobasic euryteles [range 22.0–24.5 x 9.0–10.0 µm, mean 23.3±1.1 x 9.2±0.4 µm (n=20)] and small microbasic euryteles [range 8.0–10.5 x 3.5–4.5 µm, mean 8.9±0.8 x 4.2±0.4 µm (n=18)].

Ecology and distribution. Species previously reported from depths between 10 (Puce et al. 2002) and 397 m (Peña Cantero 2017); present material between 234 and 758 m depth, considerable extending its bathymetric range. Circum-Antarctic species (Peña Cantero 2009), previously unreported from the Weddell Sea.