Turbonilla strebeli Corgan, 1969

Fig. 5J

Turbonilla smithi Strebel, 1905b: 659, pl. 23, figs. 42a–d (non Verrill, 1880)

Turbonilla smithii (sic)— Melvill & Standen, 1912: 127 (non Verrill, 1880)

Turbonilla strebeli Corgan, 1969: 574 (replacement name for Turbonilla smithi Strebel, 1905 non Verrill, 1880)

Examined material. 2 sh. (MACN-In 40705).

Description. Shell height to 3.3 mm (up to 4.4 mm according to Castellanos 1982b); turritelliform, delicate. Protoconch markedly tilt, planispiral, of 1.25 markedly convex whorls. Teleoconch of up to 4.5 whorls, slightly convex in outline; last whorl comprising about 45% of total shell height. Suture deep, impressed. Surface white; sculptured with 20 to 22 strong axial ribs per whorl, which abruptly disappears towards the base and sutures. Aperture ovate, interior white, callus moderately thick.