Antistreptus magellanicus Dall, 1902

Fig. 3I

Antistreptus magellanicus Dall, 1902: 532; Dall, 1908: 315, pl. 15, fig. 14; Melvill & Standen, 1912: 128 (synonymy); Linse, 2002: 98, pl. 12, figs. 9.1.1-91, 9.1.1-92 (protoconch)

Examined material. 10 sh. (MACN-In 40681).

Description. Shell height to 4.1 mm (up to 5 mm according to Castellanos 1967); sinistral, fusiform, solid. Protoconch narrow, tilted, of 1.5 elongated, smooth whorls. Teleoconch of up to 3.25 whorls, markedly convex in outline; last whorl comprising about 70% of total shell height. Suture deep, impressed. Surface white; sculptured with 11 to 14 strong axial ribs and 2 or 3 spiral cords per whorl, which produce large beads at their intersections; base with 6 to 9 additional cords. Axial sculpture vanishing progressively towards the base. Aperture ovate, interior white; columellar callus thick; siphonal canal moderately long, somewhat oblique, wide.