Belisana menghai Yao & Li sp. nov.

Figs 1–2

Type material. Holotype: Male (IZCAS Ar39631), Xishuangbanna (22°4.942’N, 100°22.032’E, elevation 1146 ± 23 m), Wengnanzhaizi, Menghai County, Yunnan, China, 2 July 2013, Q. Zhao and Z. Chen leg. Paratypes: 1 male (IZCAS Ar39632) and 2 females (IZCAS Ar39633–39634), same data as holotype.

Other material examined. 1 female (IZCAS Ar39635, GenBank number: MK 574672), same data as holotype, in pure ethanol.

Etymology. The specific name refers to the type locality, and is a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. This species resembles B. phurua Huber, 2005 (see Huber 2005: 37, figs 232–235) with similar female genitalia (Figs 2 A–B) but can be distinguished by male cheliceral distal apophyses directed towards frontally (Fig. 2D) and by procursus with curved dorsal apophysis subdistally (arrow in Fig. 1C) and retrolateral membranous flap (Fig. 1D).

Description. Male (holotype): Total length 1.22 (1.32 with clypeus), carapace 0.67 long, 0.58 wide, opisthosoma 0.67 long, 0.53 wide. Distance PME-PME 0.09, diameter PME 0.07, distance PME-ALE 0.01, AME absent. Leg I: 9.43 (2.30 + 0.25 + 2.50 + 3.36 + 1.03), leg II missing, leg III: 3.86 (1.04 + 0.19 + 0.92 + 1.28 + 0.43), leg IV: 5.58 (1.60 + 0.25 + 1.41 + 1.80 + 0.53); leg formula 1>2>4>3; tibia I L/d: 42. Habitus as in Figs 2 E–F. Carapace yellowish, with large dark marks laterally; sternum yellowish, without marks. Legs yellowish, without darker rings. Opisthosoma grey, with brown spots dorsally and laterally. Ocular area not elevated. Thoracic furrow absent. Clypeus unmodified. Sternum wider than long (0.45/0.32). Chelicerae (Fig. 2D) with pair of proximo-lateral apophyses and pair of distal apophyses provided with modified seta each on tips (distance between tips: 0.22). Pedipalps as in Figs 1 A–B; trochanter with short retrolateral apophysis; femur with large dorsal apophysis proximally (arrow in Fig. 1B); procursus (Figs 1 A–D) simple proximally but complex distally, with spine distally and retrolateral membranous flap (Fig. 1D); bulb (Fig. 2C) with hooked apophysis and wide embolus. Retrolateral trichobothria of tibia I at 23% proximally; legs with short vertical setae on metatarsi, without spines and curved setae; tarsus I with 15 distinct pseudosegments.

Female (Ar39633): Similar to male, habitus as in Figs 2 G–H. Total length 1.21 (with 1.34 clypeus), carapace 0.63 long,0.56 wide, opisthosoma 0.71 long, 0.48 wide; tibia I: 1.47; tibia I L/d: 28. Distance PME-PME 0.08, diameter PME 0.06, distance PME-ALE 0.02, AME absent. Opisthosoma yellowish, with light brown spots. Epigynum (Fig. 2A) simple and flat, with dark internal shade and pair of pockets 0.22 apart (ep in Figs 2 A–B). Vulva (Fig. 2B) with ridge-shaped anterior arch and two narrow pore plates.

Variation: Leg I missing in the male paratype (IZCAS Ar39632). Tibia I in another female paratype (IZCAS Ar39634): 1.60.

Natural History. The species was collected in leaf litter from the secondary forest.

Distribution. China (Yunnan, type locality; Fig. 5).