Enclosed we report all images and atomic positions used in the article: 
"Automated Image Analysis for Single-Atom Detection in Catalytic Materials by Transmission Electron Microscopy"
The corresponding code can be found under: https://github.com/HPAI-BSC/AtomDetection_ACSTEM
The folders are organized as follows:
	-ground truth data set (manually labeled images):
		- groundtruth_labeled_images_manual: images with manual labels in two formats (see .tif for pixel size)
		- groundtruth_atomic_positions_manual: tabulated atomic positions from manual labels
		- groundtruth_labeled_images_SAC-CNN: manual and SAC-CNN labeled images of ground truth set
		- groundtruth_atomic_positions_SAC-CNN:corresponding atomic positions
		- groundtruth_likelihoods_tables_SAC-CNN: likelihood maps generated by SAC-CNN in two different tabulated formats
		- groundtruth_labeled_images_all-models: images labeled with CV, TEMImagenet and SAC-CNN models (including Fe-GCN)
		- groundtruth_segmentation: segmentation of ground truth set for density calculation
	- all images (including ground truth set), as described above
		- all_original_images: false-color, png format
		- all_original_images_tif: as above, but in tif format (including pixel size)		
		- all_labeled_images_SAC-CNN
		- all_atomic_positions_SAC-CNN
		- all_segmentation