Myanmaro gen. nov.

Type species: Myanmaro primus sp. nov. (by present designation).

Derivatio nominis. From Myanmar, the amber’s country of origin; noun suffixed with -o (masculine, 3 rd declension in Classic Latin).

Diagnosis. Adult male. Small, total length ~ 2.2 mm, wing length: ~1185 µm. Eyes bare, with wedge-like dorsomedian extension. Antepronotum with setae in lateral position, Ac minute, Dc bi- or multiserial, Scts uniserial, Pa bristle-like, postnotum bare. Anal lobe of wing well-developed, squama with setae, membrane without setae, with fine punctation. Tibial combs absent; pseudospurs on mid leg tarsomeres only (absent on fore and hind leg tarsi); claws strongly curved apically. Tergite IX extensive, with membranous posterior shoulders and longitudinal double keel diverging into median pit; anal point broad at base, with membranous lateral parts and well-pigmented median section. Gonostylus bifurcate: main branch with beak-shaped apex bearing short subapical setae, megaseta absent; inner branch thumb-shaped, without setae, connected by distinct articulation with main branch. Inferior volsella with head-like dorsal part and extensive ventral lobe covered with dense protuberances and setae.