Bellardia vulgaris (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830)

Most recent taxonomic treatment. Rognes (1991a). Material. Aragatsotn: River Amberd near Amberd fortress, N40°24 E44° 14, 2210 m,, 1 ♂ [2728];

27.v.2012, 2 ♂ [2729, 2730 (dissected)]; River Kasakh between Alagyaz and Aparan, N40°37 E44° 20, 1950 m, 19.v.2012, 5 ♂ [2722–2726, 2722 dissected]; 31.vii.2015, 1 ♂ [2727 (dissected)]; 1 km S of Sipan, N40°43 E44°16, 2100 m, 19.v.2012, 1 ♂ [2731]. Tavush: Ttu jur, N40°44 E44° 53, 1420–1710 m, 13.vii.2018, 1 ♂ [2765]. Lori: Stream 2 km E of Kurtan, N40°58 E44° 33, 1280 m, 23.v.2012, 1 ♂ [2732].

Previous Armenian records. Under the entry of Bellardia agilis (Meigen) (a junior synonym of B. vulgaris) in the Palaearctic catalogue, Schumann (1986) lists “… TC (Arm)…” [TC = Trancaucasus; “Arm” = Armenia] among the country records. I am not aware of the source for this record. In his revision of the Palaearctic Bellardia Robineau-Desvoidy species, Schumann (1974) does not mention Armenia under his discussion of Bellardia agilis.

Distribution. Western Palaearctic Region. Nearctic Region (USA, New Jersey).