Genus Nymphon Fabricius, 1794

Remarks: Stock (1966) recorded one specimen of Nymphon from one of nine stations (4, 40, 69, 105, 149, 160, 161, 171 and 173) of the RV Calypso 1961–1962 cruise between north Brazil and Buenos Aires Province (Argentina) which included Uruguayan waters. He later described Nymphon vulcanellum based on a large series from the Brazilian coast between 21°40´S and 28°S (21–250 m depth) and assigning to this species the referred specimen (Stock 1992). The presence of this species in Uruguayan waters is uncertain.

Apart from the several species of Nymphon listed below, Child (1982) recorded a Nymphon specimen based on unidentifiable material (either juvenile or damaged) from RV Atlantis II, cruise 60, sts 237 and 262 (as 262A) (Argentine Basin off La Plata River) (Child 1982).

Loman (1923) recorded Nymphon gracillimum Calman, 1915 from station 2 of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition (1901–1903), off Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, 37°30´S– 56°11´W, 100 m depth. Bremec et al. (1986) illustrated and discussed two specimens of N. gracillimum from the littoral zone of the Buenos Aires Province (38°45´S), pointing out differences between their material and the male holotype. This species is considered a junior synonym of Nymphon hiemale Hodgson, 1907, which has an Antarctic distribution (Child 1995c).