Dataset for Segre et. al. "Scaling of maneuvering performance in baleen whales: larger whales outperform expectations" This dataset contains 13 data files: For all files: deployment: Unique identifier for the tag deployment. May take different forms depending on the original project for which the tag was deployed. A single individual may have multiple deployments. whale_id: Unique identifier for individual in this study. Two letters indicate the species followed by a number. species: bb = minke whale; be = Bryde's whale; bp = fin whale; bs = sei whale; bw = blue whale; er = gray whale; mn = humpback whale. project: the original project for which the tag was deployed. length: length measured by UAV in meters, if available. avg_length: the average length for the species. mass: mass calculated from length using the Lockyer 1979 equations. average_mass: mass calculated from the average length using the Lockyer 1979 equations. start: the index (in the tag data) when the maneuver begins. stop: the index (in the tag data) when the maneuver ends. Main folder: Forward_acc.csv: data for forward accelerations final_velocity: the forward velocity (m/s) at the end of the manuver. max_acc: the maximum acceleration (m/s^2). Pitch-down.csv: data for pitch-down maneuvers cent_acc: the centripetal accelertion of the pitch-change. Pitch-up.csv: data for pitch-up maneuvers cent_acc: the centripetal accelertion of the pitch-change. roll.csv: data for rolls forward_velocity: the forward velocity (m/s). roll_index: the roll index (degrees/m^2). turn.csv: data for turns cent_acc: the centripetal accelertion of the turn. turn_type: (1 = pure-yaw turn; 2 = inward banked turn; 3 = outward banked turn; 4 = upside-down pure-yaw turn) yaw.csv: data for pure-yaw turns (types 1 and 4 from turn.csv) cent_acc: the centripetal accelertion of the pule-yaw turn. humpback_behavioral_data.csv: Prey: fish, krill, or unknown Behavior: primary feeding behaviors; lunge, bubble, or unknown Multiple_days folder: same as main dataset but only contains deployments that spanned multiple calendar days day: the sequential day that the maneuver occured on (day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)