Zyras (Zyras) luteipes spec. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 1E837A27-748A-4E5A-BBBC-ABC78704B40D

(Figs 23, 64, 100, 182–186, Map 8)

Type material: Holotype : “NE INDIA Meghalaya, Khasi Hills, Mawsynram, 25°18'N 91°29'E, 800± 100 m, P. Pacholátko leg., 5.–9.vi.2006 / BMNH(E), 2006-48 / Holotypus Zyras luteipes sp. n., det. V. Assing 2016” (BMNH).

Etymology: The specific epithet is a noun in apposition composed of the Latin adjective luteus (yellow) and the Latin noun pes (foot). It alludes to the nearly uniformly yellowish legs, one of the characters distinguishing this species from the similar Z. hirsutiventris.

Description: Large species: body length 7.5 mm; length of forebody 3.2 mm. Coloration (Figs 23, 64, 100): forebody black; abdomen blackish-brown; legs darkyellowish, with the apices only indistinctly and narrowly darker; antennae blackish, with the basal three antennomeres brown and antennomere XI dark-reddish; maxillary palpi blackish-brown with palpomere IV yellowish.

Other external characters (Figs 23, 64, 100) as in Z. hirsutiventris, except as follows:

Tergites III–V with distinct and moderately dense micropunctation in posterior three-fifths.

: tergite VIII as in Fig. 185; sternite VIII (Fig. 186) less strongly convex posteriorly; median lobe of aedeagus (Figs 182–183) 0.85 mm long; ventral process apically more acute both in lateral and in ventral view, and less distinctly angled subapically in lateral view; paramere (Fig. 184) 0.87 mm long and with short apical lobe.

Comparative notes: Zyras luteipes is evidently very closely related to Z. hirsutiventris, from which it is only distinguished by the coloration of the legs and the antennae, the micropunctation on the abdominal tergites III–V, and by the shape of the ventral process of the aedeagus.

Distribution and natural history: The type locality is situated in Meghalaya (Map 8) at an altitude of approximately 800 m.