Noideattella omby, new species

Figures 25–32, 46, 82–98, 102

TYPE: Male holotype, female allotype and one male paratype from Berlese and sifted leaf litter of a littoral forest at an elevation of 25 m, Forêt d’Ampombofofo, 21°5′58″S, 49°20′19″E, Antsiranana Province, Madagascar (21–22 November 2007, B.L. Fisher et al.), deposited in CASC (PBI _ OON 36120).

ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet, a noun in apposition, is taken from the Malagasy word for cow, omby.

DIAGNOSIS: N. omby can be differentiated from other Noideattella species by the reduced size of the eyes covering less than half of the cephalic area; except from N. tany and N. sylvnata that have similar eye size and arrangement (Álvarez-Padilla et al., 2012: figs. 1, 201); but differ from these two species by the presence of a cuticular rectangular apophysis on the embolar lamella (figs. 46, 95–98) and the smooth carapace dorsal surface (figs. 25, 27, 82).

DESCRIPTION: Male (PBI _ OON 3564). Total length 1.2. Body color pale orange (figs. 25–27). Cephalothorax: Carapace pale orange, ovoid in dorsal view, pars cephalica flat in lateral view, anteriorly narrowed to 0.49 times its maximum width or less, posterolateral edge without pits, surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides finely reticulate; lateral margin without denticles (figs. 25, 27, 82, 83). Sternum surface and furrows cuticle smooth (figs. 26, 88). Clypeus straight in front view. Ocular area equal than the clypeus height (fig. 29). Eyes well developed, ALE largest; posterior eye row straight from front; ALE-PLE separated by less than ALE radius, PLE-PME separated by less than PME radius (figs. 29, 94). Sternum longer than wide, pale orange (fig. 26), without pits, microsculpture absent, anterior margin 2001 to Apr. 14, 2001, Fisher et al., 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3878). Toliara: Forêt d’Petriky, 12.5 km W Tolagnaro, littoral rainforest, 10 m, -25.06216°, 46.86933°, Nov. 22, 1998, Sylvian, B.L. Fisher, 2♀ (FMNH PBI _ OON 36302).

Noideattella sylvnata, new species,

Figures 33–40, 43–45, 101

TYPE: Male holotype from Berlese and sifted leaf litter of a montane rainforest at an elevation of 1200 m, Reserve Spéciale d’Anjanaharibe-Sud 9.2 km WSW Befingotra, 14°45′00″S, 49°28′00″E, Antsiranana Province, Madagascar (9 November 1994, B.L. Fisher) deposited in CASC (PBI _ OON 36359).

ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet, a noun in apposition, is dedicated to our dear friends Sylvio Drouin and Natacha Merritt.

DIAGNOSIS: N. sylvnata can also be differentiated from other Noideattella species by the reduced size of the eyes covering less than half of the cephalic area; except from N. tany and N. omby that has similar eye size and arrangement, but differ from these two species by the body color orange-brown (figs. 33–35). Male paturon inner margin with brush of short thornlike seta (fig. 37). Sternum furrows cuticle reticulated. Abdomen cylindrical, postepigastric scutum almost rectangular. Book lung covers large, ovoid (figs. 34, 44). Embolus dorsal lamellae with a tooth (fig. 45).

DESCRIPTION: Male (PBI_OON 1994). Total length 1.4. Cephalothorax: Carapace orange-brown, ovoid in dorsal view, pars cephalica flat in lateral view, anteriorly narrowed to between 0.5 and 0.75 times its maximum width, posterolateral edge without pits, surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate; lateral margin without denticles (figs. 33, 35). Clypeus straight in front view. Eyes reduced, tiny, all subequal; posterior eye row straight from front; ALE-PLE touching, PLE-PME touching (fig. 37). Sternum longer than wide, orange-brown, furrow with rows of small pits, surface smooth, without pits, microsculpture only in furrows, anterior margin unmodified, lateral margin without infracoxal grooves (fig. 34). Mouthparts: Chelicerae, endites, and labium orange-brown. Abdomen: Cylindrical. Book lung covers large, ovoid. Dorsal scutum orange-brown, middle surface smooth, sides smooth. Postepigastric scutum orange-brown, long, almost rectangular, covering almost entire abdominal length (fig. 34). Legs: Pale orange, without color pattern. Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): tibiae: I, II p2-1-1; r1-1-1; IV p0-0-1; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; r1-1-0; (leg IV: spine on leg IV smaller than those on legs I and II) (fig. 43). Tarsi I to IV superior claws tooth not examined in detail. Trichobothria not examined. Genitalia: Epigastric region with sperm pore situated at level of anterior spiracles. Palp proximal segments pale orange; tibia trichobothria not examined; cymbium pale orange, ovoid in dorsal view, without distal patch of setae; bulb pale orange. Embolus dorsal lamella and ventral not examined with SEM. Palp as in figures 36, 38, and 45.

Female: (PBI_OON 1994). Total length 1.5. As in male except as noted. Cephalothorax: Female palp spines absent. Abdomen: Postepigastric scutum not fused to epigastric scutum, with continuous transverse groove, lateral margin without infracoxal grooves (fig. 88). Mouthparts: Chelicerae, endites, and labium pale orange. paturon inner margin with scattered setae (fig. 94). Endites distally excavated, anteromedian tip unmodified, posteromedian part unmodified, same as sternum in sclerotization (figs. 26, 85). Abdomen: Dorsal scutum pale orange, middle surface reticulate, sides reticulate. Postepigastric scutum pale orange, long, narrow rectangle, covering nearly full length of abdominal length (figs. 26–27). Legs: Pale orange, without color pattern. Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): tibiae: I, II p1-1-1; r1-1-1; IV p0-0-1; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; r1-1-0. Tarsi I to IV superior claws tooth not examined in detail. Trichobothria examined with SEM. Tibia: I three; metatarsus: I one; base longitudinally narrowed, aperture internal texture gratelike, hood covered by numerous low, closely spaced ridges. Tarsal organ I with three sensilla visible. Genitalia: Epigastric region with sperm pore situated at level of anterior spiracles (figs. 26, 87). Palp proximal segments pale orange; cymbium pale orange, ovoid in dorsal view, with distal patch of setae; bulb pale orange. Embolus dorsal lamella bifurcated, ventral lamella with two or three apophyses. Palp as in figures 28, 30, and 95–98.

Female: (PBI_OON 3564). Total length 1.3. As in male except as noted. Cephalothorax: Sternum anterior margin unmodified. Female palp spines absent; patella without prolateral row of ridges. Abdomen: Postepigastric scutum not fused to epigastric scutum (fig. 86). Spinneret scutum with fringe of needlelike setae. Legs: Tibia I Emerit’s glands present, metatarsi III and IV weak ventral scopula absent. Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): tibiae: I, II p1-1-1; r1-1-1; IV p0-0-1; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; r1-1-0 (figs. 92, 93). Tarsi I to IV superior claws tooth not examined in detail. Trichobothria examined with SEM. Tibia: I three; metatarsus: I one; base longitudinally narrowed, aperture internal texture gratelike, hood covered by numerous low, closely spaced ridges; metatarsus: I one, IV one. Tarsal organ one with four sensilla visible (fig. 89). Genitalia: Receptaculum length approximately ⅓ of its width. Papillae field examined with SEM and concentrated anteriorly on the receptaculum surrounding the GAp (figs. 90, 91). Female genitalia as in figures 31 and 32.

DISTRIBUTION: Endemic to Madagascar (fig. 102).

MATERIAL EXAMINED: N = 159. Madagascar: Antsiranana: Forêt d’Bekaraoka, 6.8 km 60° ENE Daraina, tropical dry forest, 150 m, -13.00277°, 49.01166°, Dec. 07, 2003, B.L. Fisher et al., 13♂, 16♀, 29 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3575); Forêt d’Analabe, 30.0 km 72° ENE Daraina, littoral rainforest, 30 m, -13.08333°, 49.90833°, Nov. 27, 2003, B.L. Fisher et al., 54♂, 38♀, 92 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3564); 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3903); Forêt d’Antsahabe, 11.4 km 275° W Daraina, tropical dry forest, 550 m, -13.00333°, 49.00916°, Dec. 12, 2003, B.L. Fisher et al., 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3891); Forêt d’Orangea, 3.6 km 128° SE Ramena, littoral forest, 90 m, -12.25888°, 49.37472°, Feb. 22, 2001 to Feb. 28, 2001, Fisher et al., 2♂, 8♀, 10 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3345); Reserve Spéciale d’Ambre, 3.5 km 235° SW Sakaramy, tropical dry forest, 325 m, -12.46888°, 49.24222°, Jan. 26, 2001 to Jan. 31, 2001, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3337); Reserve Spéciale d’Ankarana, 13.6 km 192° SSW Anivorano Nord, tropical dry forest, 210 m, -12.86361°, 49.22583°, Feb. 16, 2001 to Feb. 21, 2001, Fisher et al., 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3286); Reserve Spéciale d’Anjanaharibe-Sud 6.5 km SSW Befingotra, 875 m, -14.75000°, 49.50000°, Dec. 19, 1994, B.L. Fisher, 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3977). Mahajanga: Reserve d’Ankoririka, 10.6 km 13° NE Tsaramandroso, tropical dry forest, 210 m, -16.26722°, 46.04861°, Apr. 09,

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covering ¾ of abdominal length (fig. 44). Spinneret scutum with fringe of needlelike setae. Legs: Metatarsi III and IV weak ventral scopula absent. Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): tibiae: I, II p2-1-1; r1-1-1; IV p0-0-1; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; r1-1-0; (leg IV: spine on leg IV smaller than those on legs I and II). Tarsi I to IV superior claws tooth not examined in detail. Trichobothria not examined. Genitalia: Receptaculum length approximately ½ of its width. Papillae field not examined with SEM concentrated dorsally around the GAp. Female genitalia as in figures 39 and 40.

DISTRIBUTION: Endemic to Madagascar (fig. 101).

MATERIAL EXAMINED: N = 14. Madagascar: Antsiranana: Reserve Spéciale d’Anjajaharibe Sud, 6.5 km SSW Befingotra, rainforest, 875 m, -14.75000°, 49.50000°, Dec. 19, 1994, B.L. Fisher, 1♀ (CASCC PBI _ OON 36285); 1♂ (CASCC PBI _ OON 36286); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 36287); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 36288),. 2 km WSW Befingotra, montane rainforest, 1200 m, -14.75000°, 49.46666°, Nov. 09, 1994, B.L. Fisher, 2♂, 1♀, 3 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 1994); 1♀ Paratype (CASC PBI _ OON 36360); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 36361); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 36362). Fianarantsoa: 7.6 km 122° Kianjavato, Forêt Clasee Vatovavy, montane rainforest, 175 m, -21.40000°, 47.94000°, June 06, 2005 to June 08, 2005, B.L. Fisher et al., 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3451). 1♀ (MRAC PBI _ OON 36329); 1♀ (MRAC PBI _ OON 36343). Toliara: Tolagnaro Fort Dauphin at 45 km Tolagnaro route vers Amboasary, 60 m, Dec. 04, 1989, R. Hausar, 1♂ (MRAC PBI _ OON 36080).

Noideattella sylvnata, new species,

Figures 33–40, 43–45, 101

TYPE: Male holotype from Berlese and sifted leaf litter of a montane rainforest at an elevation of 1200 m, Reserve Spéciale d’Anjanaharibe-Sud 9.2 km WSW Befingotra, 14°45′00″S, 49°28′00″E, Antsiranana Province, Madagascar (9 November 1994, B.L. Fisher) deposited in CASC (PBI _ OON 36359).

ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet, a noun in apposition, is dedicated to our dear friends Sylvio Drouin and Natacha Merritt.

DIAGNOSIS: N. sylvnata can also be differentiated from other Noideattella species by the reduced size of the eyes covering less than half of the cephalic area; except from N. tany and N. omby that has similar eye size and arrangement, but differ from these two species by the body color orange-brown (figs. 33–35). Male paturon inner margin with brush of short thornlike seta (fig. 37). Sternum furrows cuticle reticulated. Abdomen cylindrical, postepigastric scutum almost rectangular. Book lung covers large, ovoid (figs. 34, 44). Embolus dorsal lamellae with a tooth (fig. 45).

DESCRIPTION: Male (PBI_OON 1994). Total length 1.4. Cephalothorax: Carapace orange-brown, ovoid in dorsal view, pars cephalica flat in lateral view, anteriorly narrowed to between 0.5 and 0.75 times its maximum width, posterolateral edge without pits, surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate; lateral margin without denticles (figs. 33, 35). Clypeus straight in front view. Eyes reduced, tiny, all subequal; posterior eye row straight from front; ALE-PLE touching, PLE-PME touching (fig. 37). Sternum longer than wide, orange-brown, furrow with rows of small pits, surface smooth, without pits, microsculpture only in furrows, anterior margin unmodified, lateral margin without infracoxal grooves (fig. 34). Mouthparts: Chelicerae, endites, and labium orange-brown. Abdomen: Cylindrical. Book lung covers large, ovoid. Dorsal scutum orange-brown, middle surface smooth, sides smooth. Postepigastric scutum orange-brown, long, almost rectangular, covering almost entire abdominal length (fig. 34). Legs: Pale orange, without color pattern. Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): tibiae: I, II p2-1-1; r1-1-1; IV p0-0-1; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; r1-1-0; (leg IV: spine on leg IV smaller than those on legs I and II) (fig. 43). Tarsi I to IV superior claws tooth not examined in detail. Trichobothria not examined. Genitalia: Epigastric region with sperm pore situated at level of anterior spiracles. Palp proximal segments pale orange; tibia trichobothria not examined; cymbium pale orange, ovoid in dorsal view, without distal patch of setae; bulb pale orange. Embolus dorsal lamella and ventral not examined with SEM. Palp as in figures 36, 38, and 45.

Female: (PBI_OON 1994). Total length 1.5. As in male except as noted. Cephalothorax: Female palp spines absent. Abdomen: Postepigastric scutum not fused to epigastric scutum, with continuous transverse groove, lateral margin without infracoxal grooves (fig. 88). Mouthparts: Chelicerae, endites, and labium pale orange. paturon inner margin with scattered setae (fig. 94). Endites distally excavated, anteromedian tip unmodified, posteromedian part unmodified, same as sternum in sclerotization (figs. 26, 85). Abdomen: Dorsal scutum pale orange, middle surface reticulate, sides reticulate. Postepigastric scutum pale orange, long, narrow rectangle, covering nearly full length of abdominal length (figs. 26–27). Legs: Pale orange, without color pattern. Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): tibiae: I, II p1-1-1; r1-1-1; IV p0-0-1; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; r1-1-0. Tarsi I to IV superior claws tooth not examined in detail. Trichobothria examined with SEM. Tibia: I three; metatarsus: I one; base longitudinally narrowed, aperture internal texture gratelike, hood covered by numerous low, closely spaced ridges. Tarsal organ I with three sensilla visible. Genitalia: Epigastric region with sperm pore situated at level of anterior spiracles (figs. 26, 87). Palp proximal segments pale orange; cymbium pale orange, ovoid in dorsal view, with distal patch of setae; bulb pale orange. Embolus dorsal lamella bifurcated, ventral lamella with two or three apophyses. Palp as in figures 28, 30, and 95–98.

Female: (PBI_OON 3564). Total length 1.3. As in male except as noted. Cephalothorax: Sternum anterior margin unmodified. Female palp spines absent; patella without prolateral row of ridges. Abdomen: Postepigastric scutum not fused to epigastric scutum (fig. 86). Spinneret scutum with fringe of needlelike setae. Legs: Tibia I Emerit’s glands present, metatarsi III and IV weak ventral scopula absent. Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): tibiae: I, II p1-1-1; r1-1-1; IV p0-0-1; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; r1-1-0 (figs. 92, 93). Tarsi I to IV superior claws tooth not examined in detail. Trichobothria examined with SEM. Tibia: I three; metatarsus: I one; base longitudinally narrowed, aperture internal texture gratelike, hood covered by numerous low, closely spaced ridges; metatarsus: I one, IV one. Tarsal organ one with four sensilla visible (fig. 89). Genitalia: Receptaculum length approximately ⅓ of its width. Papillae field examined with SEM and concentrated anteriorly on the receptaculum surrounding the GAp (figs. 90, 91). Female genitalia as in figures 31 and 32.

DISTRIBUTION: Endemic to Madagascar (fig. 102).

MATERIAL EXAMINED: N = 159. Madagascar: Antsiranana: Forêt d’Bekaraoka, 6.8 km 60° ENE Daraina, tropical dry forest, 150 m, -13.00277°, 49.01166°, Dec. 07, 2003, B.L. Fisher et al., 13♂, 16♀, 29 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3575); Forêt d’Analabe, 30.0 km 72° ENE Daraina, littoral rainforest, 30 m, -13.08333°, 49.90833°, Nov. 27, 2003, B.L. Fisher et al., 54♂, 38♀, 92 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3564); 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3903); Forêt d’Antsahabe, 11.4 km 275° W Daraina, tropical dry forest, 550 m, -13.00333°, 49.00916°, Dec. 12, 2003, B.L. Fisher et al., 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3891); Forêt d’Orangea, 3.6 km 128° SE Ramena, littoral forest, 90 m, -12.25888°, 49.37472°, Feb. 22, 2001 to Feb. 28, 2001, Fisher et al., 2♂, 8♀, 10 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3345); Reserve Spéciale d’Ambre, 3.5 km 235° SW Sakaramy, tropical dry forest, 325 m, -12.46888°, 49.24222°, Jan. 26, 2001 to Jan. 31, 2001, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3337); Reserve Spéciale d’Ankarana, 13.6 km 192° SSW Anivorano Nord, tropical dry forest, 210 m, -12.86361°, 49.22583°, Feb. 16, 2001 to Feb. 21, 2001, Fisher et al., 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3286); Reserve Spéciale d’Anjanaharibe-Sud 6.5 km SSW Befingotra, 875 m, -14.75000°, 49.50000°, Dec. 19, 1994, B.L. Fisher, 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3977). Mahajanga: Reserve d’Ankoririka, 10.6 km 13° NE Tsaramandroso, tropical dry forest, 210 m, -16.26722°, 46.04861°, Apr. 09,

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covering ¾ of abdominal length (fig. 44). Spinneret scutum with fringe of needlelike setae. Legs: Metatarsi III and IV weak ventral scopula absent. Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): tibiae: I, II p2-1-1; r1-1-1; IV p0-0-1; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; r1-1-0; (leg IV: spine on leg IV smaller than those on legs I and II). Tarsi I to IV superior claws tooth not examined in detail. Trichobothria not examined. Genitalia: Receptaculum length approximately ½ of its width. Papillae field not examined with SEM concentrated dorsally around the GAp. Female genitalia as in figures 39 and 40.

DISTRIBUTION: Endemic to Madagascar (fig. 101).

MATERIAL EXAMINED: N = 14. Madagascar: Antsiranana: Reserve Spéciale d’Anjajaharibe Sud, 6.5 km SSW Befingotra, rainforest, 875 m, -14.75000°, 49.50000°, Dec. 19, 1994, B.L. Fisher, 1♀ (CASCC PBI _ OON 36285); 1♂ (CASCC PBI _ OON 36286); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 36287); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 36288),. 2 km WSW Befingotra, montane rainforest, 1200 m, -14.75000°, 49.46666°, Nov. 09, 1994, B.L. Fisher, 2♂, 1♀, 3 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 1994); 1♀ Paratype (CASC PBI _ OON 36360); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 36361); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 36362). Fianarantsoa: 7.6 km 122° Kianjavato, Forêt Clasee Vatovavy, montane rainforest, 175 m, -21.40000°, 47.94000°, June 06, 2005 to June 08, 2005, B.L. Fisher et al., 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3451). 1♀ (MRAC PBI _ OON 36329); 1♀ (MRAC PBI _ OON 36343). Toliara: Tolagnaro Fort Dauphin at 45 km Tolagnaro route vers Amboasary, 60 m, Dec. 04, 1989, R. Hausar, 1♂ (MRAC PBI _ OON 36080).