Voconia trinidadensis sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: F5E8C8C5-6BD2-4544-A81D-0F31F846EF2E

Figs 1–2, 8, 10, 19


One of two New World species of Voconia. Recognized by the finely granulose head and prothorax; proepimeron with protuberance on posteroventral margin; pronotum dark with contrasting yellow posterior margin; corium dark with anteroproximal yellow stripe, posteromedial and distal white spots; labial segment I in lateral view not surpassing posteroventral eye margin.


Named after the collecting locality of the holotype in Trinidad. A proper noun with the Latin adjectival suffix ‘- ensis ’ meaning ‘belonging to’. To be treated as an adjective.

Type material

Holotype TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO • ♀; Trinidad; J.W. Chapman leg.; USI: AMNH_PBI 00170700; AMNH.


Female (Figs 8, 10)

BODY LENGTH. 10.5 mm; macropterous.

COLORATION. Head: dark brown; maxillary plates light brown; postocular region with pale patches adjacent to lateral ocellar margin; labium lighter than head, yellow. Thorax: as head; posterior pronotal lobe with posterior margin lighter; scutellum dark with contrasting yellow apical spine. Hemelytron (abducted): clavus reddish-brown with distal white stripe; corium reddish-brown with anteroproximal yellow stripe, posteromedial and distal white spots; membrane dark with white V-shaped marking along R and M veins; membranal veins R and M proximally white. Legs: yellow. Abdomen: dark brown, dorsal laterotergites brown medially, with black stripe adjacent to yellow lateral margin.

INTEGUMENT AND VESTITURE. Head and pronotum: finely granulose with sparse, long macrosetae interspersed among dense pubescence; interocular region with two pairs of macrosetae paramedially; antennifer with short lateral setigerous tubercle; morphologically ventral surface of labium with dense, short macrosetae. Thorax: anterolateral angles of pronotal collar with macrosetae; scutellar lateral carinae with long setation. Hemelytron: corium with sparse, long setation. Legs: posterior row of protuberances on mid and hind femora with three large spines on distal half and many small spines. Abdomen: ventral surface pubescent.

STRUCTURE. Head: elongate, about 1.4 times as long as wide; anteocular region about one third of head length, about as long as postocular region (measured to anterior margin of neck); postocular region in dorsal view about as long as eye, lateral margins gently rounded; pedicel about 1.3 times length of head width; maxillary plates ellipsoidal, adjacent to and longer than clypeus; apices of maxillary plates in dorsal view directed straight; clypeus in dorsal view wider than maxillary plates; clypeal apex round, not narrowed; interocular glabrous markings anterolaterally curved, joined at interocular sulcus paramedially; interocular sulcus in dorsal view curved and smoothly rounded anteriorly; eye width in dorsal view wider than synthlipsis; eye reaching ventral head margin in lateral view; ventrolateral swelling of buccula without lateral protrusion that surpasses buccular margin, flat margin; labial segment I in lateral view straight, reaching posteroventral eye margin; morphologically dorsal surface of labial segment II nearly straight, about 0.6 times length of segment I. Thorax: pronotal collar in dorsal view narrow medially with anterolateral angles short, projected forward; anterior pronotal lobe about 0.5 times length of posterior pronotal lobe, lateral margins almost straight; glabrous markings on pronotum thin, not deeply depressed; median apodeme depression of pronotum deep, elongated transversely; scutellar spine long, subhorizontal; anteriad-directed process of prosternum smoothly rounded, without paramedial lobes; anterior margin of stridulitrum not elongated into protuberance; proepimeron with acute protuberance on posteroventral margin. Legs: fossula spongiosa of fore leg present, absent or vestigial on mid leg. Abdomen: anterior margin of terga prominently carinulate, posterior margin of terga III–VI weakly carinulate; terga II and III with paired prominent longitudinal carinae, reaching about two-thirds of tergum III; medial region between carinae on tergum II coarsely granulose.

Distribution (Fig. 19)

This species is only known from the type locality, Trinidad.