Published January 14, 2022 | Version v0.1.0
Software Open

jcapriot/layered-anisotropic-conductivity: Initial code

  • 1. Colorado School of Mines - Geophysics - CGEM


This version represents the initial commit for the layered anistropic conductivity modeling software. It contains examples on how to forward model and invert electrical potential due to a 1D layered fully anisotropic conductivity. It also contains examples on how to apply fuzzy c-means clustering to the inversion operation.

The primary goal of this work is two-fold: 1) An easy to use interface to modeling electrical potential due to the layered halfspace. 2) Gain an understanding of how to incorporate petrophysical information about anisotropy into an inversion.


  • The forward modeling operation could be further sped up by optimizing the 2D fft operation of the forward operation. As it is currently, the modeler chooses different sampling conditions in the Fourier domain for each data point.



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