Spiroplectammina sp.

Pl. 1, figs. 1a–b

Description: The chamber walls are agglutinated and well cemented. The test is flattened and broad, with the margins sub-rounded. In cross section, the test is trapezoid in shape. Chambers are initially planispiral, becoming biserial, with flush sutures. The arched aperture is situated along the margin of the terminal chamber.

Remarks: Only a few tests were identified (not exceeding 5% in samples) in core 2670, measuring up to 0.4x 0.6 mm. The tests are commonly broken or have predatory holes.

Life strategy: Species of the genus Spiroplectammina are infaunal in low oxygen environments (Hallam & Wignall, 1997) of increased food availability (Alegret & Thomas, 2007).

Regional occurrence: This species is recorded to occur in the middle Miocene sediments of the Namibian outer continental shelf, south of the Kunene River mouth.