* Acanthopsetta nadeshnyi Schmidt, 1904.

Scalyeye Plaice. To 46 cm (18.1 in) TL (Fadeev 1987). Western Pacific north to Sea of Japan off Korean Peninsula to southern Sea of Okhotsk and Pacific Ocean off Hokkaido to western Bering Sea off Cape Navarin (Lindberg and Fedorov 1993). Two flexion stage larvae taken off Norton Sound, northern Bering Sea (Mecklenburg et al. 2011). Benthic; marine and brackish waters (Dyldin and Orlov 2017); depth: 7 to 1,000 – 1,200 m (23 –3,281 – 3,937 ft) (min.: Shinohara et al. 2011; max.: Kim et al. 1999). Mecklenburg and Steinke (2015) note that records of Acanthopsetta nadeshnyi Schmidt, 1904 from the northern Bering Sea are likely misidentified L. sakhalinensis and that A. nadeshnyi is limited to the western Pacific.