Carangoides orthogrammus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882).

Island Jack, Island Trevally, or Yellow-spotted Trevally. To 75 cm (29.5 in) TL (Kuiter and Tonozuka 2001). Indo-Pacific; western Pacific Ocean north to Cheju Island, South Korea (Kim et al. 1999); in eastern Pacific, Todos Santos (23°24.6’N, 110°13.8’W), southern Baja California (John Snow, pers. comm. to M.L.), Cabo San Lucas (Personal communication: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Fish Collection, La Jolla, California), and barely into Gulf of California north of Cabo San Lucas (John Snow, pers. comm. to M.L.) to Ecuador (Robertson and Allen 2015); Isla Socorro, Isla San Benedicto, and other oceanic sites (Smith-Vaniz in Fischer et al. 1995). Nearshore; marine and brackish waters (Koeda et al. 2016); depth: 3–190 m (10–623 ft) (min.: Ralston et al. 1986; max.: Mundy 2005). Sometimes seen as Caranx orthogrammus (e.g., Nelson et al. 2004), but most researchers classify the species in Carangoides (Eschmeyer 1998 and online editions).