Gadus chalcogrammus Pallas, 1814.

Pacific Pollock or Walleye Pollock. To 95 cm (37.4 in) TL (Mecklenberg et al. 2016). Pacific and Atlantic Oceans (Mecklenburg et al. 2011); western Pacific Ocean north to Seas of Okhotsk and Japan (Okamura in Masuda et al. 1984) to off Cape Halkett, Beaufort Sea (Logerwell and Rand 2008), Bering Sea, and Gulf of Alaska (Allen and Smith 1988) to Lopez Point, central California (Burton and Lea 2019). Apparently, a separate population off Norway (Mecklenburg et al. 2014). Byrkjedal and Langhelle (2020) speculated that a specimen captured north of Spitsbergen may have been derived from the Pacific Ocean population. Generally demersal, also taken pelagically near surface and in midwater (Mecklenburg et al. 2002); depth: intertidal to 1,280 m (4,198 ft) (min.: Miller et al. 1980; max: Orlov and Tokranov 2019). Recently as Theragra chalcogramma. Theragra finnmarchica Koefoed, 1956 is a synonym.