Tarletonbeania taylori Mead, 1953.

Northern Blue Lanternfish or Taillight Lanternfish. To 8.2 cm (3.2 in) SL (Sassa et al. 2002). Northern Honshu, Japan (Wisner 1976, Fujii in Masuda et al. 1984), and Russian north-western Pacific (Orlov and Tokranov 2019), to south-eastern Bering Sea, and Pacific Ocean south of Alaska (Shinohara et al. 1994), and west of British Columbia (Peden et al. 1985), to off Oregon (43°58’N, 176°24’W) (Personal communication: University of Washington, Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture Fish Collection, Seattle, Washington; confirmed by Katherine Maslenikov). Surface to 1,500 m (4,920 ft) (min.: Wisner 1976; max.: Federov et al. 2003). Geographic range and depths are difficult to determine because T. taylori and Tarletonbeanis crenularis (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880) were for some time considered to be synonymous.