Merluccius productus (Ayres, 1855).

Pacific Hake. To 91.4 cm (36 in) TL (Miller and Lea 1972). Attu Island, Aleutian Islands (one record), eastern Bering Sea (54°43’N, 165°42’W) (Maslenikov et al. 2013) and Gulf of Alaska (Mecklenburg et al. 2002) to Bahía Magdalena, southern Baja California and Gulf of California (Miller and Lea 1972) to Colombia (Cohen in Cohen et al. 1990), and Islas Revillagigedo (Robertson and Allen 2008). Reported from continental slope of Bering Sea (Fedorov 1973), but vouchers are needed to confirm continued existence there (Mecklenburg et al. 2002). Oceanic and neritic pelagic (Inada in Cohen et al. 1990); depth: 12–1,437 m (39–4,713 ft) (min.: M.L., unpubl. data; max.: DFO). We also note that there is a much deeper record of 1,857 m (6,091 ft) (DFO) from a bottom trawl haul. Given that this species may occur well off the bottom, this latter catch may have occurred as the trawl was deployed or retrieved. We consider Merluccius angustimanus Garman, 1899 to be a synonym (Silva-Segundo et al. 2011).