File: full_dataset_288.csv Names of variables: Specie: the species, either D (R. dalmatina) or L (R. latastei) Specie01: : the species, either 0 (R. dalmatina) or 1 (R. latastei) acute-treatment-REPL: the trial number (either the first, 1, the second, 2, or the third trial, 3) trough: the trough number (from 1 to 6) within each of the two rearing treatments (syntopic or allotopic rearing) thrugh12: the trough number (from 1 to 12), the first six troughs were those of the allotopic rearing treatment, from 7 to 12 were the troughs of syntopic rearing treatment tadp: tadpole identity ID: tadpole identity, the same as “tadp” Replicate: the same as acute-treatment-REPL allotopic-synt-Origin: whether the tadpole was from an allotopic (0) or a syntopic (1) population allotopic-synt-treatm: whether the tadpole was reared either with (A, allotopic ontogenetic treatment) or without (syntopic ontogenetic treatment, S) heterospecifics idTadp: the number that identifies a tadpole within its population (from 1 to 12) amount-movement-cct: the amount of movements in the caged-conspecific treatment type-movement_cct: the type of movements in the caged-conspecific treatment cd_cct: the average cage distance in the caged-conspecific treatment amount-movement_cht: : the amount of movements in the caged-heterospecific treatment type-movement_cht: the type of movements in the caged-heterospecific treatment cd_cht: the average cage distance in the caged-heterospecific treatment amount-movement_ect: the amount of movements in the empty-cage treatment type-movement_ect cd_ect: the type of movements in the empty-cage treatment cd_ect: the average cage distance in the empty-cage treatment File: full_dataset_863.csv Names of variables: Rasp: the number of the recording raspberry; Species: the species, either D (R. dalmatina) or L (R. latastei) acute-treatment-REPL: the trial number (either the first, 1, the second, 2, or the third trial, 3) trough: the trough number (from 1 to 6) within each of the two rearing treatments (syntopic or allotopic rearing) thrugh12: the trough number (from 1 to 12), the first six troughs were those of the allotopic rearing treatment, from 7 to 12 were the troughs of syntopic rearing treatment tadp: tadpole identity Acute_treatment: the acute treatment used (either CCT, CHT or ECT); Replicate: the number of trial (either 1, 2 or 3); BS: body size; allotopic-synt-Origin: whether the tadpole was from an allotopic (0) or a syntopic (1) population allotopic-synt-treatm: whether the tadpole was reared either with (A, allotopic ontogenetic treatment) or without heterospecifics (syntopic ontogenetic treatment, S) mSPEED: the mean speed; sdSPEED: the speed standard deviation; IND: the activity index; mMOV: the mean duration of movement bouts; nMOV: the number of movement bouts; nCD: normalized mean cage distance; amount_movement: the first component as a descriptor of the amount of movements (see manuscript for more details); type_movement: the second principal component as a descriptor of the type of movements (see manuscript for more details).