sampling_method,definition SOCCOM float,SOCCOM float deployment (project 18) Conductivity Temperature Depth recorder,CTD rosette deployments (many projects) Trace metal rosette,Trace metal rosette frame (TMR) (project 15) Precipitation collection,High-resolution precipitation sampling (project 11) Sediment sampling,"Collection of sediment samples, cores and associated data sets on islands (project 9)" Neuston net 200 microns,Neuston net for sampling microplastics (200 microns) (project 19) Underway water sample,Sea water samples taken from the underway water supply (many projects) Predator observing,Time periods spent watching for marine wildlife and macroplastics (project 20) Aerial photography of bird colonies,Aerial photography of bird colonies for counting and mapping (project 20) EK80,Simrad EK80 echo sounder (project 5) Multibeam echosounder,Ship-based and operated multibeam echosounder Sub-bottom profiler,Ship Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler,Ship-based and operated ADCP Motion sensor,Ship-based and operated Hydrins motion sensor Meteorology data collection,Meteorology data recorded by ship-based and operated instruments on the ship McLane pump,McLane pump water collection (project 15) Pumped tank fill,Filling of a 1000l tank with sea water using a pump (project 16) Radiosonde,Standard radiosonde launch (projects 11 and 18) Imaging Flow Cytobot,IFCB (Project 1) Agassiz trawl,Benthic trawls using Agassiz Trawl net Bongo net 300 microns,Bongo net used for collecting microplastics (300 microns) Bongo net 100 microns,Bongo net used for collecting phytoplankton (100 microns) Bongo net 200 microns,Bongo net used for collecting zooplankton (200 microns) Geomorphology sample collection,Sediment and associated sample collection on islands (project 22) Freshwater and sediment molecular biology sampling,Sampling of freshwater and sediment for molecular biology (project 13) Pocket pump air sampling,Air sampling using a pocket pump (project 8) Air filter sampling,Air filters are attached to poles on the monkey island. Filters are changed after different periods of time (project 4) Wenglor Snow Particle Counter,Snow Particle Counter manufactured by Wenglor Snow Particle Counter,Japanese-made snow particle counter (project 18) Snow particle collection (project 18),"Snow particles collected, photographed and imprints taken (project 18)" Welch vacuum pump 1,"Welch vacuum pump, device 1 (project 6)" Coriolis air sampler,Coriolis air sampler (project 6) VMR Microbiological Air Sampler,VWR surface air sampler (SAS) (project 6) BioSampler,SKC BioSampler (project 6) Plates,Air sampling plates (project 6) Welch vacuum pump 2,"Welch vacuum pump, device 2 (project 6)" Welch vacuum pump 3,"Welch vacuum pump, device 3 (project 6)" Welch vacuum pump 4,"Welch vacuum pump, device 4 (project 6)" Plastic collection (island - project 3),Collection of plastics on islands to check for colonisation of marine invertebrates (project 3) Biological sampling (island - project 2),Biological organism collection on islands (project 2) Plastic collection (island - project 19),Collection of micro- and macro-plastics on islands (project 19) iDirac isoprene,iDirac measuring isoprene (iso; project 7) Sea water sampling (project 15),Sea water sampling done for a contact of Michael Ellwood Fresh water sampling (project 11),Fresh water sampling on islands (project 11) Fresh water sampling (project 12),Fresh water sampling on island (project 12) Intertidal collection,Collection of intertidal invertebrate and vertebrate specimens from terrestrial sites (project 10) Microcat,Microcat conductivity temperature depth recorder deployed over side of ship (project 18) Bucket sea water collection,Water collection with a bucket from ship or zodiac Ferrybox,Ferrybox instruments collecting data on the continuous underway water supply (many projects) GPS Trimble,Trimble GPS operated by the ship (based in acoustic laboratory) GLONASS,GLONASS navigation instrument operated by the ship (bridge) Totalisator,Totalisator preciptation collection (project 11) Gopro Hero 3+,Gopro camera attached to Agassiz trawl nets (project 3) High volume digitel filter sampler,High volume digitel filter sampler (project 7) Low volume digitel filter sampler,Low volume digitel filter sampler (project 7) Cloud water sampler,Cloud water sampler (project 7 and occasionally by project 11) Aerodynamic Particle Sizer,APS (Project 7) Wideband Integrated Bioparticle Spectrometer,WIBS (project 7) Nano Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer,nano-SMPS (Project 7) iDirac dimethylsulphide,iDirac measuring dimethylsulphide (DMS; Project 7) Picarro G2400 gas analyser,Project 7 Aethalometer (project 7),Aethalometer AE33 (project 7) Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor,ACSM (Project 7) Ozone Monitor,O3 (project 7) Condensation particle counter 3022,CPC2011 (Project 7) Condensation particle counter 3772,CPC3772 operating independently (Project 7) Hygrometer 1,Hygro 1(Project 7) Hygrometer 2,Hygro 2 (Project 7) Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer,SMPS (Project 7) Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter,CCNC (Project 7) Ice nuclei spectrometer,SPIN (Project 7) Neutral Air Ion Spectrometer,NAIS (Project 7) Atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight mass spectrometer,Api-Tof (Project 7) Semi-terrestrial habitat sampling,Sampling of semi-terrestrial samples for algae (project 9) Lake characterisation sampling,Sampling of lakes for genetic material (project 9) Aspirator aerosol sampling,Aerosol sampling using an aspirator to collect aerosols on a filter paper usually on a daily basis (project 22) PPT 2,PPT - second device (project 6) PPT,(project 6) Coriolis air sampler 2,Coriolis air sampler - second device (project 6) Inherent Optical Properties frame,Inherent Optical Properties (IOP) frame (project 1) Glass slide snowflake collection,Collection of snowflakes on glass slides for artist contact of project 18 Expendable Bathythermograph,Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) Radiosonde and Supercooled Liquid Water Content Sampler,Radiosonde launched with Supercooled Liquid Water Content sampler (projects 11 and 18) Ice-coring,Collection of ice cores using a drill (project 4) Temperature probe measurement,A temperature probe used to measure the temperature inside the hole from which the ice core was taken (project 4) Lowered Acousitc Doppler Current Profiler,Lowered Acousitc Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP) attached to CTD frame(project 21) USBL,"Acoustic rig deployed with ROPOS (project 21). Not used for data collection, only for range and bearing detection." ROPOS remotely operated vehicle,Remotely Operated Platform for Ocean Sciences (ROPOS ROV) (project 21) Isaac-Kidds mid-water trawl net,Isaac-Kidds mid-water trawl (IKMT) net (project 21) Snow sample collection,"Snow sample collection from terrestrial locations (projects 6, 7 and 11)" Snow sample collection on island (project 13 and 16),"Snow samples were collected from terrestrial sites using carboys or sanitised plastic boxes and beakers whilst facing the wind, wearing gloves, oversleeves and spraying with Efoft." Ground penetrating radar,Ground penetrating radar towed on sledge over glacier and ice (project 4) Sonobuoy,Sonobuoy deployments for cetacean acoustics (project 14) Cetacean observing,Observations of cetaceans by project 5 Snow collection (project 4),Snow collection in a ziplock bag at ice-coring sites (project 4) CIMEL Sun Photometer,Sun photometer measurements (project 1) BioSORS,Above-water radiometry instrument (project 1) Land-based bird survey,On-ground / land-based bird survey (project 20) Snow collection (project 15),"All material used were acid washed and comply with GEOTRACES recommendations. Snow was sampled100-150 m upstream of any other operations wearing clean room integral garments to avoid contamination. The first 15 cm of snow was collected at two site using a clean plastic beaker and allow to thaw at 10 C prior filtration on 0.2 micron PALL filtration cartridge. Sample were collected for dissolved trace metals, iron chemistry and isotopic signatures." Bucket collection of sea-ice,Collection of sea-ice by bucket from the ship DALEC,Project 1 Visual effort for cetaceans by whale acoustic team,Visual effort made for observations of cetaceans made by the acoustic team (project 14). GoPro,GoPro camera used to compare WaMoS (project 17) to visual conditions Spidertracks G-TVAM,GPS spidertracks unit fitted to helicopter G-TVAM Micro Rain Radar,MRR (project 11) Picarro L1115-i-i (project 11),Picarro L1115-i-i laser spectrometer (project 11) Picarro L2130-i (project 11),Picarro L2130-i laser spectrometer (project 11) AS particle counter,Photoelectric particle counter (AZ10) used by project 22. Portable Sun Photometer,SPM (project 22) Picarro L2130-i (project 22),Picarro L2130-i laser spectrometer (project 22) Picarro L2120-i (project 22),Picarro L2120-i laser spectrometer (project 22) Aethalometer (project 22),Aethalometer (project 22) Triplet 1,ECO Triplet (1) (project 8) Triplet 2,ECO Triplet (2) (project 8) Wave monitoring system,WaMoS (project 17) Fluourescence induction and relaxation instrument,FiRe (project 1) OSCAR,Continuously running OSCAR (project 1) BB9,Scattering meter (project 1) Condensation particle counter 3010,CPC3010 (project 7) AC-S,Spectral Absorption and Attenuation Meter (project 1) Microtops,Microtops sun photometer (project 7) Sediment coring (project 100),Collection of sediment cores in the vicinity of penguin colonies (project 100) Picarro gas scouter,Picarro gas scouter (project 100) Collection of terrestrial samples,Collection of plant and sediment samples (project 101) Fisheries echo sounder acoustic transducer calibration,"Fisheries echo sounder acoustic transducer calibration, EK60 and EK80 (project 5)" EK60,Simrad EK60 echosounder (project 5) Hygrometer 3,Hygro 3 (Project 7) Spidertracks G-BATC,GPS spidertracks unit fitted to helicopter G-BATC EIMS,EIMS mass spectrometer (project 13) Fishing,Use of fishing line or trap to catch fish (projects 10 and 19) Photosynthetically Active Radiation sensor,PAR sensor (project 1) Mapping aerial photography,Aerial photography of terrestrial sites for mapping purposes Valves,Instrument monitoring project 1 underway water supply Coulter Counter,Coulter Counter used to measure particle size distribution (project 1) Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer,FRRF (project 1) Purge-trap gas chromatography mass spectrometry,PTGCMS (project 8) Web camera,Webcam (project 8) Sea water sampling (project 7),Sea water sampling from a zodiac (project 7) Dead birds killed by ship, Macroplastic observing,Timed periods of monitoring the sea for macroplastics (project 19) Temperature-depth recorder,Temperature-depth recorder (TDR) for deployment on marine mammals. Testing deployments on CTD frame (project 5) Condensation particle counter 3772 SPIN,CPC3772 used initially with the SPIN instrument then on its own (project 7) Cloud water collection,Collection of condensation from metalwork of ship (project 11) Hygrometer 4,Hygro 4 (project 7) Gas chromatographer,Gas chromatographer (project 8) Cube-8 Flow Cytometer,Flow Cytometer (project 8) Conductivity Temperature Depth recorder - hand-held,Hand-held CTD operated by ship personnel prior to multibeam surveys Conductivity sensor,Measure the conductivity using a real-time sensor Temperature sensor,Sensor used to measure the temperature of the water. Based on a CTD. Oxygen sensor,Instrument to measure the dissolved oxygen content of water whilst attached to a CTD rosette. Fluorometer,Measurements using a fluorometer attached to the CTD rosette. Photosynthetically Active Radiation sensor (CTD),Sensor attached to CTD rosette to measure photosynthetically active radiation Altimeter,Sonar altimeter used on CTD frame Ceilometer,Data collected by ship-based ceilometer MAX-DOAS,Spectrograph measuring trace gases in troposphere (project 8) Inclinometer,Inclinometer (project 11) Hand-held GPS,Hand-held GPS (project 22)